Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
IMPL::AccessCheckedControls access to objects
BenchmarkListenerBenchmarkListener class Simple event/run listener getting memory/proc statistics on callback
lcrtrel_helper::BiDirectional< From, To >Helper class for biderectional relations provides the to and from type
UTIL::BitField64A bit field of 64bits that allows convenient declaration and manipulation of sub fields of various widths
UTIL::BitFieldValueHelper class for BitField64 that corresponds to one field value
UTIL::BitSet32Convenient helper class for setting single bits in a 32bit-field, such as collection flags or hit types - extends std::bitset<32>
UTIL::LCTime::CalendarTimeHelper struct that holds the calendar time
CalibrationConstantExample for a simple calibration class based on the LCFixedObject template
EVENT::CalorimeterHitThe generic calorimeter hit - created from SimCalorimeterHit or RawCalorimeterHit
IMPL::CalorimeterHitImplImplementation of the real data CalorimeterHit
IOIMPL::CalorimeterHitIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
lcrtrel_helper::can_call_ext< B >
lcrtrel_helper::can_call_ext< true >
UTIL::CellIDDecoder< T >Convenient class for decoding cellIDs from collection parameter LCIO::CellIDEncoding
UTIL::CellIDEncoder< T >Specialization for SimTrackerHits that have only one cellID
EVENT::ClusterThe LCIO cluster
IMPL::ClusterImplImplementation of Cluster
IOIMPL::ClusterIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
UTIL::CollectionParameterMapHelper class for setting and retrieving an std::map<string,int> as collection parameters
lcrtrel_helper::CreationPtrInit< T >Factory for objects of type T
EVENT::DataNotAvailableExceptionEventException used for data not available
lcrtrel_helper::DeleteElements< T >Delete function for containers of owned objects
lcrtrel_helper::DeletePtr< T >Delete function for pointers w/ ownership
IO::EndOfDataExceptionEndOfDataException for signaling the end of a data stream
EVENT::EventExceptionEventException used for errors accessing the event data
EVENT::ExceptionBase exception class for LCIO - all other exceptions extend this
lcrtrel_helper::FromRelation< U >Helper class for relations
IO::ILCFactoryFactory to create LCWriter and Reader object for the known data formats, e.g
UTIL::ILDCellID0Helper class to define constants for the canonical encoding of the CellID0 in tracking sub detectors in ILD (or ILD like detectors)
UTIL::ILDCellIDEncoder< T >Special wrapper to the CellIDEncoder<T> that enforces cellID0 to use the encoder string defined in ILDCellID0::encoder_string
UTIL::ILDDetIDDefine integer constants for identifying ILD sub detectors
UTIL::ILDTrkHitQualityBitDefine integer constants for bits of the the lcio tracker hit quality used in the context of ILD reconstruction code
UTIL::ILDTrkHitTypeBitDefine integer constants for bits of the the lcio tracker hit type used in the context of ILD reconstruction code
UTIL::IndexMapUtility class to manage indices according to Collection Parameters
IO::IOExceptionIOException used for reading/writing errors
lcrtrel::LC1To1Relation< U, From, To >One to one relation between two objects of type From and To
lcrtrel::LC1ToNRelation< U, From, To >One to many relation between one object of type From to many objects of type To
lcrtrel_helper::LCBaseLinkContainerTraits< U, T, I, D, b >Base class for all containers of extensions and relations, vectors, lists,
lcrtrel_helper::LCBaseLinkTraits< U, T, I, D, b >Base class for all extensions and relations of single objects
lcrtrel_helper::LCBaseTraits< U, T, I, D, b >Vector of pointers to extension obbjects
EVENT::LCCollectionThe generic collection used in LCIO
IOIMPL::LCCollectionIOVecAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
IMPL::LCCollectionVecImplementation of the LCCollection using (inheriting from) an STL vector of LCObjects
EVENT::LCEventThe main event interface
IMPL::LCEventImplImplementation of the main event class
IOIMPL::LCEventIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
IO::LCEventListenerListener for the occurence of LCEvents when reading a stream
lcrtrel::LCExtension< U, T >Simple Extension - pointer to an object of type T
lcrtrel::LCExtensionList< U, T >Extension list holding pointers to objects of type T - no ownership of the objects is taken
lcrtrel::LCExtensionVector< U, T >Extension vector holding pointers to objects of type T - no ownership of the objects is taken
IOIMPL::LCFactoryFactory to create LCWriter and Reader object for the known data formats, e.g
UTIL::LCFixedObject< NINT, NFLOAT, NDOUBLE >Template class for fixed size LCGenericObject subclasses
EVENT::LCFlagHelper class to create and interpret the 32-bit flag word in LCCollections
IMPL::LCFlagImplImplementation of helper class to create and interpret the 32-bit flag word in LCCollections
lcrtrel::LCFloatExtension< U >
EVENT::LCFloatVecFloat vector used for user extensions
UTIL::LCFourVector< TT >Four vector used in LCIO
EVENT::LCGenericObjectSimple interface to store generic user data
IMPL::LCGenericObjectImplDefault LCIO implementation of the interface to store generic user data
IOIMPL::LCGenericObjectIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
lcrtrel::LCIntExtension< U >Special Extension that allows to write int extensions directly (not through a pointer !)
EVENT::LCIntVecInt vector used for user extensions
EVENT::LCIOGlobal constants used in LCIO
UTIL::lcio_short< T >
IMPL::LCIOExceptionHandlerSets the default error handling for unexpected and uncaught exceptions
SIO::LCIORandomAccessImplementation class for LCIORandomAccess records
SIO::LCIORandomAccessMgrManager class for LCIO direct access
UTIL::LCIterator< T >Simple convenient iterator class for LCCollections that saves some boiler plate code
lcrtrel::LCNToNRelation< U, From, To >Many to many relation between objects of type From to objects of type To
EVENT::LCObjectThe generic object that is held in an LCCollection
UTIL::LCObjectHandle< T >Template handle class for LCObjects
lcrtrel::LCOwnedExtension< U, T >Simple Extension - pointer to an object of type T where the ownership is taken over by the object holding the extension, i.e
lcrtrel::LCOwnedExtensionList< U, T >Extension list holding pointers to objects of type T - ownership of the objects is taken, i.e
lcrtrel::LCOwnedExtensionVector< U, T >Extension vector holding pointers to objects of type T - ownership of the objects is taken, i.e
EVENT::LCParametersSimple interface to store generic named parameters of type int, float and string
IMPL::LCParametersImplImplementation of Simple interface to store generic named parameters of type int, float and string
IO::LCReaderInterface for reading data from LCIO
EVENT::LCRelationA single weighted relationship between two LCObjects
IMPL::LCRelationImplImplementation of the LCRelation
IOIMPL::LCRelationIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
UTIL::LCRelationNavigatorThe LCRelationNavigator makes repeated lookup of relations more conveneient and efficient
lcrtrel::LCRTRelationsBase class that provides run time (user) extensions and relation between objects
EVENT::LCRunHeaderInterface for the run header
IMPL::LCRunHeaderImplImplementation of LCRunHeader
IOIMPL::LCRunHeaderIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
IO::LCRunListenerListener for the occurence of LCRunHeader when reading a stream
SIO::LCSIOCollection of static helper functions for reading and writing data with SIO
UTIL::LCSplitWriterLCWriter wrapper that automatically splits files if a given number of bytes is exceeded
UTIL::LCStdHepRdrBasic utility for reading a binary stdhep file and filling a LCCollectionVec with MCParticles containing the stdhep file information
EVENT::LCStrVecString vector used for user extensions
UTIL::LCTimeHelper class that allows to convert time stamps as defined in LCEvent::getTimeStamp() ( ns since 1.1.1970 00:00:00 UTC) to ordinary date and time and vice versa
UTIL::LCTokenizerHelper class for string tokenization
UTIL::LCTOOLSProvides some basic functions for printing event data
UTIL::LCTrackerCellIDSingleton helper class defining the cellID encoding used in the LC tracking packages
UTIL::LCTypedVector< T >Templated helper class that is an std::vector<T*> of the elements in the LCCollection
UTIL::LCWarningUtility class to show warnings in LCIO
IO::LCWriterInterface for writing data with LCIO
EVENT::MCParticleThe LCIO Monte Carlo particle
IMPL::MCParticleImplImplementation of MCParticle
IOIMPL::MCParticleIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
lcrtrel_helper::NoDeleteEmpty delete function for pointers w/o ownership
lcrtrel_helper::objorcont< is_container >Helper functions that treat single objects and containers
lcrtrel_helper::objorcont< false >Helper functions specialization for single objects
EVENT::ParticleIDPersistent interface for LCIO ParticleIDs
IMPL::ParticleIDImplImplementation of ParticleID
IOIMPL::ParticleIDIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
UTIL::PIDHandlerConvenient class for setting and retrieving particle id information attached to ReconstructedParticles
IMPL::PIDSortHelper class to sort ParticleIDs wrt
EVENT::RawCalorimeterHitThe generic calorimeter hit for real data (or simulation thereof)
IMPL::RawCalorimeterHitImplImplementation of the real data RawCalorimeterHit
IOIMPL::RawCalorimeterHitIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::ReadOnlyExceptionEventException used for signaling a 'read only exception'
EVENT::ReconstructedParticleThe LCIO reconstructedParticle
IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImplImplementation of ReconstructedParticle
IOIMPL::ReconstructedParticleIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
lcrtrel_helper::RelationManySide< U, T >Helper class for relations
lcrtrel_helper::RelationOneSide< U, T >Helper class for relations
SIO::RunEventHelper struct that stores run and event positions in the file
SIO::RunEventMapMap that holds positions of Run and Event records
RunEventProcessorLittle tool that copies LCIO files on an event by event and run by run basis, thus fixing files that have incomplete records at the end due to a program crash
EVENT::SimCalorimeterHitThe generic simulated calorimeter hit
IMPL::SimCalorimeterHitImplImplementation of the generic SimCalorimeterHit
IOIMPL::SimCalorimeterHitIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
lcrtrel_helper::SimplePtrInitSimple init function for simple pointers
EVENT::SimTrackerHitA generic simulated tracker hit
IMPL::SimTrackerHitImplImplementation of SimTrackerHit
IOIMPL::SimTrackerHitIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
SIO::SIOCalHitHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of CalorimeterHits
SIO::SIOClusterHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of Clusters
SIO::SIOCollectionHandlerHandler for LCCollection/LCCollectionIOVec objects for SIO
SIO::SIOEventHandlerHandler for LCEvent/LCEventIOImpl objects
SIO::SIOFloatVecHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of FloatVecs
SIO::SIOHandlerMgrSingleton that holds instances of all types of SIOObjectHandlers
SIO::SIOIndexHandlerHandler for LCIOrandomAccess and LCIOIndex objects/blocks
SIO::SIOIntVecHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of IntVecs
SIO::SIOLCGenericObjectHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of LCGenericObjects
SIO::SIOLCParametersIO of LCParameters
SIO::SIOLCRelationHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of CalorimeterHits
SIO::SIOObjectHandlerInterface for all lcio object SIO-handlers, has to be implemented for all event entities (hits, tracks, clusters,
SIO::SIOParticleHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of MCParticles
SIO::SIORandomAccessHandlerHandler for LCIOrandomAccess and LCIOIndex objects/blocks
SIO::SIORawCalHitHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of RawCalorimeterHits
SIO::SIOReaderConcrete implementation of LCWriter using SIO
SIO::SIOReconstructedParticleHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of ReconstructedParticles
SIO::SIORecordsManager class that holds instances of all known LCIO-SIO records
SIO::SIORunHeaderHandlerHandler for LCRunHeader/LCRunHeaderImpl objects
SIO::SIOSimCalHitHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of SimCalorimeterHits
SIO::SIOSimTrackHitHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of SimTrackerHits
SIO::SIOStrVecHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of StrVecs
SIO::SIOTPCHitHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of TPCHits
SIO::SIOTrackerDataHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of TrackerDatas
SIO::SIOTrackerHitHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of SimTrackerHits
SIO::SIOTrackerHitPlaneHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of TrackerHitPlane
SIO::SIOTrackerHitZCylinderHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of TrackerHitZCylinder
SIO::SIOTrackerPulseHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of TrackerPulses
SIO::SIOTrackerRawDataHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of TrackerRawDatas
SIO::SIOTrackHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of Tracks
SIO::SIOVertexHandlerImplementation of SIOObjectHandler to handle IO of Vertexes
SIO::SIOWriterConcrete implementation of LCWriter using SIO
lcrtrel_helper::ToRelation< U >Helper class for relations
IMPL::TPCHitImplImplementation of the real data TPCHit
IOIMPL::TPCHitIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::TrackThe LCIO track class
EVENT::TrackerDataTrackerData contains the corrected (calibrated) raw tracker data
IMPL::TrackerDataImplDefault implementation of TrackerData
IOIMPL::TrackerDataIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::TrackerHitA generic tracker hit to be used by pattern recognition
IMPL::TrackerHitImplImplementation of the generic tracker hit
IOIMPL::TrackerHitIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::TrackerHitPlaneA tracker hit on a planar surface - the hit is stored as:
x,y,z, u(theta, phi), v(theta,phi), du, dv
where (x,y,z) is the position in global cartesian coordinates, u,v are the the meassurement directions (unit vectors, spanning the plane) and du,dv are the measurement errors along these directions
IMPL::TrackerHitPlaneImplImplementation of the planar tracker hit
IOIMPL::TrackerHitPlaneIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinderA tracker hit on a cylindrical surface that runs parallel to the z-axis - the hit is stored as:
x,y,z, center(x,y), dRPhi, dz
where (x,y,z) is the position in global cartesian coordinates, center(x,y) is the center of the cylinder and Rphi and z are the measurement errors
IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImplImplementation of the tracker hit on a cylindrical surface parallel to z
IOIMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::TrackerPulseTracker pulses as computed from TrackerData objects or as directly measured by a specific subdetector
IMPL::TrackerPulseImplDefault implementation of TrackerPulse
IOIMPL::TrackerPulseIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::TrackerRawDataGeneric class for raw tracker data
IMPL::TrackerRawDataImplDefault implementation of TrackerRawData
IOIMPL::TrackerRawDataIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
IMPL::TrackImplImplementation of the LCIO track class
IOIMPL::TrackIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
EVENT::TrackStateThe LCIO TrackState class
IMPL::TrackStateImplImplementation of the LCIO TrackState class
IOIMPL::TrackStateIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
UTIL::UnknownAlgorithmException for unknown algorithms
SIO::SIORecords::UnpackHelper class that sets the unpack flag of known SIO records as specified by the constructor
IMPL::VertexImplImplementation of Vertex Class
IOIMPL::VertexIOImplAdding stuff needed for io (friend declarations, etc
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