EVENT::SimTrackerHit Class Reference

A generic simulated tracker hit. More...

#include <pre-generated/EVENT/SimTrackerHit.h>

Inheritance diagram for EVENT::SimTrackerHit:
EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl IOIMPL::SimTrackerHitIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef SimTrackerHit lcobject_type
 Useful typedef for template programming with LCIO.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~SimTrackerHit ()
virtual int getCellID0 () const =0
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case.
virtual int getCellID1 () const =0
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case Optional, check/set flag(LCIO::THBIT_ID1)==1.
virtual int getCellID () const =0
 DEPRECATED: use ().
virtual const double * getPosition () const =0
 Returns the hit position in [mm].
virtual float getdEdx () const =0
 Returns the dE/dx of the hit in [GeV].
virtual float getEDep () const =0
 The energy deposited on the hit [GeV].
virtual float getTime () const =0
 Returns the time of the hit in [ns].
virtual MCParticlegetMCParticle () const =0
 Returns the MC particle that caused the hit.
virtual const float * getMomentum () const =0
 Returns the 3-momentum of the particle at the hits position in [GeV] - optional, only if bit LCIO::THBIT_MOMENTUM is set.
virtual float getPathLength () const =0
 The path length of the particle in the sensitive material that resulted in this hit.
virtual int getQuality () const =0
 The quality bit flag of the hit.
virtual bool isOverlay () const =0
 True if the hit has been overlayed by the simulation (or digitization) program.
virtual bool isProducedBySecondary () const =0
 True if the particle has been created by a secondary particle that is not stored in the MCParticle collection.

Static Public Attributes

static const int BITOverlay = 31
static const int BITProducedBySecondary = 30

Detailed Description

A generic simulated tracker hit.

SimTrackerHit.aid,v 1.11 2010-06-17 12:28:59 engels Exp

Member Function Documentation

virtual float EVENT::SimTrackerHit::getdEdx (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the dE/dx of the hit in [GeV].

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl.

virtual MCParticle* EVENT::SimTrackerHit::getMCParticle (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the MC particle that caused the hit.

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOSimTrackHitHandler::write().

virtual float EVENT::SimTrackerHit::getPathLength (  )  const [pure virtual]

The path length of the particle in the sensitive material that resulted in this hit.

This is only stored together with momentum, i.e. if LCIO::THBIT_MOMENTUM is set.

Implemented in IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOSimTrackHitHandler::write().

virtual float EVENT::SimTrackerHit::getTime (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the time of the hit in [ns].

TO DO needs definition.

Implemented in IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOSimTrackHitHandler::write().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Friends

Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1