lcrtrel_helper::LCBaseLinkTraits< U, T, I, D, b > Struct Template Reference

Base class for all extensions and relations of single objects. More...

#include <LCRTRelations.h>

Inheritance diagram for lcrtrel_helper::LCBaseLinkTraits< U, T, I, D, b >:
lcrtrel_helper::LCBaseTraits< U, T, I, D, b >

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef LCBaseTraits< U, T, I,
D, b > 
typedef T *& ext_type
typedef T * rel_type
typedef base::ptr obj_ptr

Static Public Attributes

static const bool is_container = false

Detailed Description

template<class U, class T, class I = SimplePtrInit, class D = NoDelete, bool b = 1>
struct lcrtrel_helper::LCBaseLinkTraits< U, T, I, D, b >

Base class for all extensions and relations of single objects.

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Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1