IMPL::LCGenericObjectImpl Class Reference

Default LCIO implementation of the interface to store generic user data. More...

#include <IMPL/LCGenericObjectImpl.h>

Inheritance diagram for IMPL::LCGenericObjectImpl:
EVENT::LCGenericObject IMPL::AccessChecked EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IOIMPL::LCGenericObjectIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 LCGenericObjectImpl ()
 Variable size c'tor.
 LCGenericObjectImpl (int nInt, int nFloat, int nDouble)
 Fixed size c'tor.
virtual ~LCGenericObjectImpl ()
virtual int id () const
 Provide default implementation for id.
virtual int getNInt () const
 Number of integer values stored in this object.
virtual int getNFloat () const
 Number of float values stored in this object.
virtual int getNDouble () const
 Number of double values stored in this object.
virtual int getIntVal (int index) const
 Returns the integer value for the given index.
virtual float getFloatVal (int index) const
 Returns the float value for the given index.
virtual double getDoubleVal (int index) const
 Returns the double value for the given index.
virtual void setIntVal (unsigned index, int value)
 Sets the integer value at the given index.
virtual void setFloatVal (unsigned index, float value)
 Sets the float value at the given index.
virtual void setDoubleVal (unsigned index, double value)
 Sets the double value at the given index.
virtual bool isFixedSize () const
 True if objects of the implementation class have a fixed size, i.e getNInt, getNFloat and getNDouble will return values that are constant during the lifetime of the object.
virtual const std::string getTypeName () const
 The type name of the user class (typically the class name).
virtual const std::string getDataDescription () const
 The description string.

Static Protected Attributes

static std::string _typeName = "LCGenericObject"
static std::string _dataDescription = ""

Detailed Description

Default LCIO implementation of the interface to store generic user data.

LCGenericObjectImpl.h,v 1.5 2006-08-04 16:52:46 gaede Exp

Member Function Documentation

const std::string IMPL::LCGenericObjectImpl::getDataDescription (  )  const [virtual]

The description string.

A comma separated list of pairs of type identifier, one of 'i','f','d' followed by ':' and an attribute name, e.g. "i:cellId,f:offset,f:gain".

Implements EVENT::LCGenericObject.

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 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Friends

Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1