EVENT::Track Class Reference

The LCIO track class. More...

#include <pre-generated/EVENT/Track.h>

Inheritance diagram for EVENT::Track:
EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IMPL::TrackImpl IOIMPL::TrackIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Track lcobject_type
 Useful typedef for template programming with LCIO.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Track ()
virtual int getType () const =0
 Flagword that defines the type of track.
virtual float getD0 () const =0
 Impact paramter of the track in (r-phi).
virtual float getPhi () const =0
 Phi of the track at the reference point.
virtual float getOmega () const =0
 Omega is the signed curvature of the track in [1/mm].
virtual float getZ0 () const =0
 Impact paramter of the track in (r-z).
virtual float getTanLambda () const =0
 Lambda is the dip angle of the track in r-z at the reference point.
virtual const FloatVecgetCovMatrix () const =0
 Covariance matrix of the track parameters.
virtual const float * getReferencePoint () const =0
 Reference point of the track parameters.
virtual float getChi2 () const =0
 True if the reference point is the point of closest approach.
virtual int getNdf () const =0
 Number of degrees of freedom of the track fit.
virtual float getdEdx () const =0
 dEdx of the track.
virtual float getdEdxError () const =0
 Error of dEdx.
virtual float getRadiusOfInnermostHit () const =0
 The radius of the innermost hit that has been used in the track fit.
virtual const IntVecgetSubdetectorHitNumbers () const =0
 A vector that holds the number of hits in particular subdetectors.
virtual const TrackVecgetTracks () const =0
 The tracks that have been combined to this track.
virtual const TrackStateVecgetTrackStates () const =0
 Returns track states associtated to this track.
virtual const TrackStategetClosestTrackState (float x, float y, float z) const =0
 Returns track state closest to the given point.
virtual const TrackStategetTrackState (int location) const =0
 Returns track state for the given location - or NULL if not found.
virtual const TrackerHitVecgetTrackerHits () const =0
 Optionaly ( check/set flag(LCIO::TRBIT_HITS)==1) return the hits that have been used to create this track.

Detailed Description

The LCIO track class.

The helix parameterization follows that of the L3 experiment at LEP. A detailed description of the track parameters is given in the LC-Note LC-DET-2006-004 "Track Parameters in LCIO" (pdf).

Track.aid,v 1.15 2007-09-18 09:47:09 gaede Exp

Member Function Documentation

virtual float EVENT::Track::getChi2 (  )  const [pure virtual]

True if the reference point is the point of closest approach.

Chi^2 of the track fit.

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOTrackHandler::write().

virtual const TrackState* EVENT::Track::getClosestTrackState ( float  x,
float  y,
float  z 
) const [pure virtual]

Returns track state closest to the given point.

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual const FloatVec& EVENT::Track::getCovMatrix (  )  const [pure virtual]

Covariance matrix of the track parameters.

Stored as lower triangle matrix where the order of parameters is: d0, phi, omega, z0, tan(lambda). So we have cov(d0,d0), cov( phi, d0 ), cov( phi, phi), ... Information is stored in the first TrackState of this Track,

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual float EVENT::Track::getD0 (  )  const [pure virtual]

Impact paramter of the track in (r-phi).

Information is stored in the first TrackState of this Track,

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual float EVENT::Track::getOmega (  )  const [pure virtual]

Omega is the signed curvature of the track in [1/mm].

The sign is that of the particle's charge. Information is stored in the first TrackState of this Track,

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual float EVENT::Track::getPhi (  )  const [pure virtual]

Phi of the track at the reference point.

See also:
getReferencePoint Information is stored in the first TrackState of this Track,

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual float EVENT::Track::getRadiusOfInnermostHit (  )  const [pure virtual]

The radius of the innermost hit that has been used in the track fit.

Helps to detect V0 tracks with small impact paramters or heavy mesons. To be used as convenient information or if hits are not stored in the data set, e.g. DST or FastMC.

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOTrackHandler::write().

virtual const float* EVENT::Track::getReferencePoint (  )  const [pure virtual]

Reference point of the track parameters.

The default for the reference point is the point of closest approach. Information is stored in the first TrackState of this Track,

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual const IntVec& EVENT::Track::getSubdetectorHitNumbers (  )  const [pure virtual]

A vector that holds the number of hits in particular subdetectors.

The mapping of indices to subdetectors is implementation dependent. To be used as convenient information or if hits are not stored in the data set, e.g. DST or FastMC. Check/set collection variable TrackSubdetectorNames for decoding the indices.

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOTrackHandler::write().

virtual float EVENT::Track::getTanLambda (  )  const [pure virtual]

Lambda is the dip angle of the track in r-z at the reference point.

See also:
getReferencePoint Information is stored in the first TrackState of this Track,

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual const TrackState* EVENT::Track::getTrackState ( int  location  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns track state for the given location - or NULL if not found.

See also:
TrackState. location can be: TrackState::AtIP, TrackState::AtFirstHit, TrackState::AtLastHit, TrackState::AtCalorimeter, TrackState::AtVertex, TrackState::AtOther

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

virtual const TrackStateVec& EVENT::Track::getTrackStates (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns track states associtated to this track.

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOTrackHandler::write().

virtual int EVENT::Track::getType (  )  const [pure virtual]

Flagword that defines the type of track.

Bits 0-15 can be used to denote the subdetectors that have contributed hits used in the track fit. For the definition of the bits check/Set the collection variables TrackTypeBitNames and TrackTypeBitIndices. Bits 16-31 are used internally.

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOTrackHandler::write().

virtual float EVENT::Track::getZ0 (  )  const [pure virtual]

Impact paramter of the track in (r-z).

Information is stored in the first TrackState of this Track,

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::TrackImpl.

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