IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl Class Reference

Implementation of SimTrackerHit. More...

#include <IMPL/SimTrackerHitImpl.h>

Inheritance diagram for IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl:
EVENT::SimTrackerHit IMPL::AccessChecked EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IOIMPL::SimTrackerHitIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SimTrackerHitImpl ()
 Default constructor, initializes values to 0.
 SimTrackerHitImpl (const SimTrackerHitImpl &)
 default copy constructor - use with care
SimTrackerHitImploperator= (const SimTrackerHitImpl &)
 default assignment operator - use with care
virtual ~SimTrackerHitImpl ()
virtual int id () const
 Returns an object id for internal (debugging) use in LCIO.
virtual int getCellID () const
 DEPRECATED: use ().
virtual int getCellID0 () const
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case.
virtual int getCellID1 () const
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case 0 if information is not stored - check the flag word (bit THBIT_ID1) of the collection.
virtual const double * getPosition () const
 Returns the hit position.
virtual float getdEdx () const
 Returns the dE/dx of the hit.
virtual float getEDep () const
 Returns the deposited energy of the hit [GeV].
virtual float getTime () const
 Returns the time of the hit.
virtual EVENT::MCParticlegetMCParticle () const
 Returns the MC particle that caused the hit.
virtual const float * getMomentum () const
 Returns the 3-momentum of the particle at the hits position in [GeV] - optional, only if bit LCIO::THBIT_MOMENTUM is set.
virtual float getPathLength () const
 The path length of the particle in the sensitive material that resulted in this hit.
virtual int getQuality () const
 The quality bit flag of the hit.
void setCellID0 (int id0)
 Sets the first cell id;.
void setCellID1 (int id1)
 Sets the second cell id; Only store if the flag word (bit THBIT_ID1) of the collection is set.
void setPosition (const double pos[3])
 Sets the position.
void setdEdx (float dEdX)
 Sets dE/dx.
void setEDep (float e)
 Sets EDep.
void setTime (float t)
 Sets the time.
void setMCParticle (EVENT::MCParticle *particle)
 Sets the MCParticle that caused the hit.
void setMomentum (const float p[3])
 Sets the momentum of the particle at the hit's position.
void setMomentum (float px, float py, float pz)
 Sets the momentum of the particle at the hit's position.
void setPathLength (float pathLength)
void setQuality (int quality)
void setQualityBit (int bit, bool val=true)
virtual bool isOverlay () const
 True if the hit has been overlayed by the simulation (or digitization) program.
virtual bool isProducedBySecondary () const
 True if the particle has been created by a secondary particle that is not stored in the MCParticle collection.
void setOverlay (bool val)
void setProducedBySecondary (bool val)

Protected Attributes

int _cellID0
int _cellID1
double _pos [3]
float _EDep
float _time
float _p [3]
 <-- fixme: ROOT cannot handle this pointer !!????
float _pathLength
int _quality

Detailed Description

Implementation of SimTrackerHit.

See also:
Mar 6, 2003

Member Function Documentation

int IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl::getCellID1 (  )  const [virtual]

Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case 0 if information is not stored - check the flag word (bit THBIT_ID1) of the collection.

Default is to store only cellid0.

Implements EVENT::SimTrackerHit.

float IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl::getdEdx (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the dE/dx of the hit.

See also:

Implements EVENT::SimTrackerHit.

References getEDep().

EVENT::MCParticle * IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl::getMCParticle (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the MC particle that caused the hit.

See also:

Implements EVENT::SimTrackerHit.

float IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl::getPathLength (  )  const [virtual]

The path length of the particle in the sensitive material that resulted in this hit.

This is only stored together with momentum, i.e. if LCIO::THBIT_MOMENTUM is set.

Implements EVENT::SimTrackerHit.

float IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl::getTime (  )  const [virtual]

Returns the time of the hit.

TO DO needs definition.

Implements EVENT::SimTrackerHit.

void IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl::setCellID1 ( int  id1  ) 

Sets the second cell id; Only store if the flag word (bit THBIT_ID1) of the collection is set.

Default is to store only cellid0.

void IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl::setdEdx ( float  dEdX  ) 

Sets dE/dx.

See also:

References setEDep().

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