UTIL::IndexMap Class Reference

utility class to manage indices according to Collection Parameters More...

#include <UTIL/IndexMap.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 IndexMap (const EVENT::LCCollection *col, const std::string &key1, const std::string &key2)
 Constructor: takes as arguments the collection where the parameters are stored and the parameter names to manage Before you loop over a collection create an IndexMap object with the keys to manage.
 IndexMap (const IndexMap &)
 no copy constructor
IndexMapoperator= (const IndexMap &)
 no assignment operator
int encode (const std::string name)
 encode string to index (e.g.
const std::string & decode (int type) const
 decode int to string (e.g.

Protected Attributes

const EVENT::LCCollection_col
const std::string _key1
const std::string _key2

Detailed Description

utility class to manage indices according to Collection Parameters

EXP: UNDER DEVELOPMENT!!! - Don't use this class yet

IndexMap.h,v 1.2 2006-09-21 06:10:38 gaede Exp

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

UTIL::IndexMap::IndexMap ( const EVENT::LCCollection col,
const std::string &  key1,
const std::string &  key2 

Constructor: takes as arguments the collection where the parameters are stored and the parameter names to manage Before you loop over a collection create an IndexMap object with the keys to manage.


LCCollection* col = evt->getCollection( "Vertices" ) ;

IndexMap imvtx( col, "AlgorithmNames", "AlgorithmTypes" ) ;

Loop over Collection....

Vertex* v = dynamic_cast<Vertex*>( col->getElementAt( i ) ) ;

cout << "vertex " << i << has been created with << imvtx.decode( v->getAlgorithmType() ) << endl;

End Loop


For using the encoding use similar process:

IndexMap imvtx( col, "AlgorithmNames", "AlgorithmTypes" ) ;

Loop for creating vertices...

VertexImpl* v = new VertexImpl ;

v->setAlgorithmType( imvtx.encode( "ZvTop" ) );

// If the parameter "ZvTop" or even the collection parameters "AlgorithmNames" and "AlgorithmTypes" do not exist // they are automatically added and ZvTop gets a corresponding new AlgorithmType which is also automatically added

End Loop

References EVENT::LCParameters::getIntVals(), EVENT::LCCollection::getParameters(), and EVENT::LCParameters::getStringVals().

Member Function Documentation

const std::string & UTIL::IndexMap::decode ( int  type  )  const

decode int to string (e.g.

cout << "vertex has been created with " << imvtx.decode( vtx->getAlgorithmType() ) << endl;

int UTIL::IndexMap::encode ( const std::string  name  ) 

encode string to index (e.g.

vertex->setAlgorithmType( imvtx.enconde( "ZvTop" ) );

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Friends

Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1