EVENT::ReconstructedParticle Class Reference

The LCIO reconstructedParticle. More...

#include <pre-generated/EVENT/ReconstructedParticle.h>

Inheritance diagram for EVENT::ReconstructedParticle:
EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl IOIMPL::ReconstructedParticleIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef ReconstructedParticle lcobject_type
 Useful typedef for template programming with LCIO.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~ReconstructedParticle ()
virtual int getType () const =0
 Type of reconstructed particle.
virtual bool isCompound () const =0
 Return particles primary flag.
virtual const double * getMomentum () const =0
 The reconstructed particle's 3-momentum - only float used in files,.
virtual double getEnergy () const =0
 Energy of the reconstructed particle - only float used in files.
virtual const FloatVecgetCovMatrix () const =0
 Covariance matrix of the reconstructed particle's 4vector (10 parameters).
virtual double getMass () const =0
 Mass of the reconstructed particle, set independently from four vector quantities

  • only float used in files.

virtual float getCharge () const =0
 Charge of the reconstructed particle.
virtual const float * getReferencePoint () const =0
 Reference point of the reconstructedParticle parameters.
virtual const ParticleIDVecgetParticleIDs () const =0
 The particle Id's sorted by their likelihood.
virtual ParticleIDgetParticleIDUsed () const =0
 The particle Id used for the kinematics of this particle.
virtual float getGoodnessOfPID () const =0
 The overall goodness of the PID on a scale of [0;1].
virtual const
getParticles () const =0
 The reconstructed particles that have been combined to this particle.
virtual const ClusterVecgetClusters () const =0
 The weights of the reconstructed particles combined to this particle.
virtual const TrackVecgetTracks () const =0
 The weights of cluster contributions to this particle.
virtual VertexgetStartVertex () const =0
 The start vertex associated to this particle.
virtual VertexgetEndVertex () const =0
 The vertex where the particle decays This method actually returns the start vertex from the first daughter particle found.
virtual void addParticleID (ParticleID *pid)=0
 Set the type of reconstructed particle, one of:
virtual void addParticle (ReconstructedParticle *particle)=0
 Add a particle that has been used to create this particle.
virtual void addCluster (Cluster *cluster)=0
 Add a cluster that has been used to create this particle.
virtual void addTrack (Track *track)=0
 Add a track that has been used to create this particle.

Detailed Description

The LCIO reconstructedParticle.

ReconstructedParticle.aid,v 1.18 2006-09-21 06:10:35 gaede Exp

Member Function Documentation

virtual void EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::addParticleID ( ParticleID pid  )  [pure virtual]

Set the type of reconstructed particle, one of:

Set primary flag. Set particle momentum (px,py,pz).Set energy. Set the values of the covariance matrix of the particles four vector (px,py,pz,E). Set the values of the covariance matrix of the particles four vector (px,py,pz,E).Set mass - independently from four vector. Set the charge. Set the reference point, i.e. the point where the four vector is defined.Add a ParticleID object.

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

virtual const ClusterVec& EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::getClusters (  )  const [pure virtual]

The weights of the reconstructed particles combined to this particle.

The clusters that have been used for this particle.

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOReconstructedParticleHandler::write().

virtual const FloatVec& EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::getCovMatrix (  )  const [pure virtual]

Covariance matrix of the reconstructed particle's 4vector (10 parameters).

Stored as lower triangle matrix of the four momentum (px,py,pz,E), i.e. cov(px,px), cov(py,px), cov( py,py ) , ....

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOReconstructedParticleHandler::write().

virtual const ParticleIDVec& EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::getParticleIDs (  )  const [pure virtual]

The particle Id's sorted by their likelihood.

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

Referenced by UTIL::LCTOOLS::printReconstructedParticles(), and SIO::SIOReconstructedParticleHandler::write().

virtual ParticleID* EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::getParticleIDUsed (  )  const [pure virtual]

The particle Id used for the kinematics of this particle.

See also:

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOReconstructedParticleHandler::write().

virtual const TrackVec& EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::getTracks (  )  const [pure virtual]

The weights of cluster contributions to this particle.

The tracks that have been used for this particle.

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOReconstructedParticleHandler::write().

virtual int EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::getType (  )  const [pure virtual]

Type of reconstructed particle.

Check/set collection parameters ReconstructedParticleTypeNames and ReconstructedParticleTypeValues.

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOReconstructedParticleHandler::write().

virtual bool EVENT::ReconstructedParticle::isCompound (  )  const [pure virtual]

Return particles primary flag.

All particles in the ReconstructedParticle collection should by definition return true. Compound partciles will return false. Convenient method - same as (getParticles().size() > 0 ).

Implemented in IMPL::ReconstructedParticleImpl.

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Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1