IOIMPL::LCFactory Class Reference

Factory to create LCWriter and Reader object for the known data formats, e.g. More...

#include <IOIMPL/LCFactory.h>

Inheritance diagram for IOIMPL::LCFactory:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~LCFactory ()
virtual IO::LCWritercreateLCWriter ()
 Creates an LCWriter object for the current persistency type.
virtual IO::LCReadercreateLCReader (int lcReaderFlag=0)
 Creates an LCReader object for the current persistency type.

Static Public Member Functions

static LCFactorygetInstance ()
 Returns the instance of the factory.

Detailed Description

Factory to create LCWriter and Reader object for the known data formats, e.g.

SIO. Singleton class that knows all concrete reader/writer implementations.

Mar 10, 2003

Member Function Documentation

LCReader * IOIMPL::LCFactory::createLCReader ( int  lcReaderFlag = 0  )  [virtual]

Creates an LCReader object for the current persistency type.

lcReaderFlag: configuration options for the LCReader object - combine multible options with '|'. So far only LCReader::directAccess.

Implements IO::ILCFactory.

LCFactory * IOIMPL::LCFactory::getInstance (  )  [static]

Returns the instance of the factory.

In the future we need to specify the data format here... This doesn't work for java as an interface can't have static members ...

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