EVENT::TrackerHitPlane Class Reference

A tracker hit on a planar surface - the hit is stored as:
x,y,z, u(theta, phi), v(theta,phi), du, dv
where (x,y,z) is the position in global cartesian coordinates, u,v are the the meassurement directions (unit vectors, spanning the plane) and du,dv are the measurement errors along these directions. More...

#include <pre-generated/EVENT/TrackerHitPlane.h>

Inheritance diagram for EVENT::TrackerHitPlane:
EVENT::TrackerHit EVENT::TrackerHit EVENT::LCObject EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IMPL::TrackerHitPlaneImpl IOIMPL::TrackerHitPlaneIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef TrackerHitPlane lcobject_type
 Useful typedef for template programming with LCIO.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~TrackerHitPlane ()
virtual int getCellID0 () const =0
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case.
virtual int getCellID1 () const =0
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case Optional, check/set flag(LCIO::RTHPBIT_ID1)==1.
virtual const float * getU () const =0
 Direction of first measurement - given as (theta, phi).
virtual const float * getV () const =0
 Direction of second measurement - given as (theta, phi).
virtual float getdU () const =0
 Measurement error along u.
virtual float getdV () const =0
 Measurement error along v.

Detailed Description

A tracker hit on a planar surface - the hit is stored as:
x,y,z, u(theta, phi), v(theta,phi), du, dv
where (x,y,z) is the position in global cartesian coordinates, u,v are the the meassurement directions (unit vectors, spanning the plane) and du,dv are the measurement errors along these directions.

The order of u and v should follow the global cartesian coordinates x, y and z, e.g. in case of a plane parallel to the z-axis, u lies in the x-y plane and v is along z.


Member Function Documentation

virtual const float* EVENT::TrackerHitPlane::getU (  )  const [pure virtual]

Direction of first measurement - given as (theta, phi).

Defines spanning vector of measurement plane.

Implemented in IMPL::TrackerHitPlaneImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOTrackerHitPlaneHandler::write().

virtual const float* EVENT::TrackerHitPlane::getV (  )  const [pure virtual]

Direction of second measurement - given as (theta, phi).

Defines spanning vector of measurement plane.

Implemented in IMPL::TrackerHitPlaneImpl.

Referenced by SIO::SIOTrackerHitPlaneHandler::write().

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Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1