IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl Class Reference

Implementation of the tracker hit on a cylindrical surface parallel to z. More...

#include <IMPL/TrackerHitZCylinderImpl.h>

Inheritance diagram for IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl:
EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder IMPL::AccessChecked EVENT::TrackerHit EVENT::TrackerHit EVENT::LCObject EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IOIMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~TrackerHitZCylinderImpl ()
virtual int id () const
 Returns an object id for internal (debugging) use in LCIO.
virtual int getCellID0 () const
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case.
virtual int getCellID1 () const
 Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case 0 if information is not stored - check the flag word (bit RTHZBIT_ID1) of the collection.
virtual const double * getPosition () const
 The hit position in [mm].
virtual const float * getCenter () const
 Radius of cylinder.
virtual float getdRPhi () const
 Measurement error along RPhi.
virtual float getdZ () const
 Measurement error along z.
virtual const EVENT::FloatVecgetCovMatrix () const
 Covariance of the position (x,y,z).
virtual float getdEdx () const
 The dE/dx of the hit in [GeV/mm].
virtual float getEDep () const
 The deposited energy of the hit [GeV].
virtual float getEDepError () const
 The error measured on EDep [GeV].
virtual float getTime () const
 The time of the hit in [ns].
virtual int getType () const
 Type of hit.
virtual int getQuality () const
 The quality bit flag of the hit.
virtual const EVENT::LCObjectVecgetRawHits () const
 The raw data hits.
virtual EVENT::LCObjectVecrawHits ()
 Use to manipulate the raw hits.
void setCellID0 (int id0)
 Sets the first cell id;.
void setCellID1 (int id1)
 Sets the second cell id; Only store if the flag word (bit RTHZBIT_ID1) of the collection is set.
void setType (int type)
void setPosition (const double pos[3])
void setCenter (const float c[2])
void setCenter (float xc, float yc)
void setdRPhi (float drphi)
void setdZ (float dz)
void setEDep (float e)
void setEDepError (float e)
void setTime (float t)
void setQuality (int quality)
void setQualityBit (int bit, bool val=true)

Protected Attributes

int _cellID0
int _cellID1
int _type
double _pos [3] = {0,0,0}
float _center [2] = {0,0}
float _drphi
float _dz
float _EDep
float _EDepError
float _time
int _quality
EVENT::FloatVec _cov
EVENT::LCObjectVec _rawHits

Detailed Description

Implementation of the tracker hit on a cylindrical surface parallel to z.


Member Function Documentation

virtual int IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl::getCellID1 (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Same name as in CalorimeterHit, even though there are no 'cells' in this case 0 if information is not stored - check the flag word (bit RTHZBIT_ID1) of the collection.

Default is to store only cellid0.

Implements EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder.

virtual const float* IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl::getCenter (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Radius of cylinder.

Center of cylinder in RPhi-plane - given as (x,y).

Implements EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder.

float IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl::getdEdx (  )  const [virtual]

The dE/dx of the hit in [GeV/mm].

See also:

Implements EVENT::TrackerHit.

References getEDep().

virtual const EVENT::LCObjectVec& IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl::getRawHits (  )  const [inline, virtual]

The raw data hits.

Check getType() to get actual data type.

Implements EVENT::TrackerHit.

virtual float IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl::getTime (  )  const [inline, virtual]

The time of the hit in [ns].

Is this needed ?

Implements EVENT::TrackerHit.

virtual int IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl::getType (  )  const [inline, virtual]

Type of hit.

Mapping of integer types to type names through collection parameters "TrackerHitTypeNames" and "TrackerHitTypeValues".

Implements EVENT::TrackerHit.

void IMPL::TrackerHitZCylinderImpl::setCellID1 ( int  id1  ) 

Sets the second cell id; Only store if the flag word (bit RTHZBIT_ID1) of the collection is set.

Default is to store only cellid0.

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Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1