UTIL::ILDCellID0 Struct Reference

Helper class to define constants for the canonical encoding of the CellID0 in tracking sub detectors in ILD (or ILD like detectors). More...

#include <UTIL/ILDConf.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Attributes

static std::string encoder_string = "subdet:5,side:-2,layer:9,module:8,sensor:8"
 The canonical encoding string to be used for writing the CellID0 with the CellIDEncoder<T>:.
static const unsigned subdet = 0
 Index of the field subdet in encoder_string - sub detector Id as defined in DetID, e.g.
static const unsigned side = 1
 Index of the field side in encoder_string - one of DetID::bwd, DetID::barrel, DetID::fwd.
static const unsigned layer = 2
 Index of the field layer in encoder_string - local sub detector layer ID starting from 0 going away from the origin (IP).
static const unsigned module = 3
 Index of the field module in encoder_string - module ID as defined for the given subdetetor.
static const unsigned sensor = 4
 Index of the field sensor in encoder_string - sensor ID as defined for the given subdetetor module.

Detailed Description

Helper class to define constants for the canonical encoding of the CellID0 in tracking sub detectors in ILD (or ILD like detectors).

F.Gaede, DESY, 2011


Member Data Documentation

std::string UTIL::ILDCellID0::encoder_string = "subdet:5,side:-2,layer:9,module:8,sensor:8" [static]

The canonical encoding string to be used for writing the CellID0 with the CellIDEncoder<T>:.


Use the CellIdDecoder to access the elements:

     CellIDDecoder<TrackerHit> idDec( trkHitCol ) ;
      // ...
      TrackerHit* hit = (TrackerHit*) trkHitCol.getElementAt( i ) ;
      int layer  = idDec( hit )[ ILDCellID0::layer ] ;
const unsigned UTIL::ILDCellID0::module = 3 [static]

Index of the field module in encoder_string - module ID as defined for the given subdetetor.

const unsigned UTIL::ILDCellID0::sensor = 4 [static]

Index of the field sensor in encoder_string - sensor ID as defined for the given subdetetor module.

const unsigned UTIL::ILDCellID0::subdet = 0 [static]

Index of the field subdet in encoder_string - sub detector Id as defined in DetID, e.g.

DetID::VXD or DetID::FTD.

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