SIO::SIORunHeaderHandler Class Reference

Handler for LCRunHeader/LCRunHeaderImpl objects. More...

#include <SIO/SIORunHeaderHandler.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SIORunHeaderHandler (const SIORunHeaderHandler &)
SIORunHeaderHandleroperator= (const SIORunHeaderHandler &)
 SIORunHeaderHandler (const std::string &name)
 C'tor for writing.
 SIORunHeaderHandler (const std::string &name, IOIMPL::LCRunHeaderIOImpl **rhP)
 C'tor for reading.
virtual unsigned int xfer (SIO_stream *, SIO_operation, unsigned int)
virtual unsigned int version ()
void setRunHeader (const EVENT::LCRunHeader *hdr)
void setRunHeaderPtr (IOIMPL::LCRunHeaderIOImpl **hdrP)

Detailed Description

Handler for LCRunHeader/LCRunHeaderImpl objects.

SIORunHeaderHandler.h,v 1.8 2005-04-15 08:37:43 gaede Exp

fg 20030609 using data interface for writing

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