IMPL::ClusterImpl Class Reference

Implementation of Cluster. More...

#include <IMPL/ClusterImpl.h>

Inheritance diagram for IMPL::ClusterImpl:
EVENT::Cluster IMPL::AccessChecked EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations IOIMPL::ClusterIOImpl

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ClusterImpl ()
 Default constructor, initializes values to 0.
virtual ~ClusterImpl ()
virtual int id () const
 Returns an object id for internal (debugging) use in LCIO.
virtual int getType () const
 Flagword that defines the type of cluster.
virtual float getEnergy () const
 Energy of the cluster.
virtual float getEnergyError () const
 Returns the error on the energy of the cluster.
virtual const float * getPosition () const
 Position of the cluster.
virtual const EVENT::FloatVecgetPositionError () const
 Covariance matrix of the position (6 Parameters).
virtual float getITheta () const
 Intrinsic direction of cluster at position: Theta.
virtual float getIPhi () const
 Intrinsic direction of cluster at position: Phi.
virtual const EVENT::FloatVecgetDirectionError () const
 Covariance matrix of the direction (3 Parameters).
virtual const EVENT::FloatVecgetShape () const
 Shape parameters - check/set collection parameter ClusterShapeParameters for size and names of parameters.
virtual const
getParticleIDs () const
 Type hypotheses: 3 Parameters: compatible with EM, HAD, muon cluster.
virtual const EVENT::ClusterVecgetClusters () const
 The clusters that have been combined to this cluster.
virtual const
getCalorimeterHits () const
 The hits that have been combined to this cluster.
virtual const EVENT::FloatVecgetHitContributions () const
 Returns the energy contribution of the hits Runs parallel to the CalorimeterHitVec from getCalorimeterHits().
virtual const EVENT::FloatVecgetSubdetectorEnergies () const
 A vector that holds the energy observed in a particular subdetectors.
void setTypeBit (int index, bool val=true)
void setEnergy (float energy)
void setEnergyError (float energyError)
void setPosition (const float *position)
void setPositionError (const EVENT::FloatVec &errpos)
void setPositionError (const float *errpos)
void setITheta (float theta)
void setIPhi (float phi)
void setDirectionError (const EVENT::FloatVec &errdir)
void setDirectionError (const float *errdir)
void setShape (const EVENT::FloatVec &shape)
void addParticleID (EVENT::ParticleID *pid)
void addCluster (EVENT::Cluster *cluster)
void addHit (EVENT::CalorimeterHit *hit, float contribution)
EVENT::FloatVecsubdetectorEnergies ()
 To be used for modifying the subdetector energies, e.g.

Protected Member Functions

void setType (int type)

Protected Attributes

float _position [3] = {0,0,0}
EVENT::FloatVec _errpos
EVENT::FloatVec _errdir

Detailed Description

Implementation of Cluster.

See also:
ClusterImpl.h,v 1.13 2006-08-04 16:52:46 gaede Exp

Member Function Documentation

const EVENT::ParticleIDVec & IMPL::ClusterImpl::getParticleIDs (  )  const [virtual]

Type hypotheses: 3 Parameters: compatible with EM, HAD, muon cluster.

The particle Id's sorted by their probability.

See also:

Implements EVENT::Cluster.

const EVENT::FloatVec & IMPL::ClusterImpl::getSubdetectorEnergies (  )  const [virtual]

A vector that holds the energy observed in a particular subdetectors.

The mapping of indices to subdetectors is implementation dependent. To be used as convenient information or if hits are not stored in the data set, e.g. DST or FastMC. Check/set collection parameter ClusterSubdetectorNames for decoding the indices of the array.

Implements EVENT::Cluster.

int IMPL::ClusterImpl::getType (  )  const [virtual]

Flagword that defines the type of cluster.

Bits 0-15 can be used to denote the subdetectors that have contributed hits to the cluster. The definition of the bits has to be done elsewhere, e.g. in the run header. Bits 16-31 are used internally.

Implements EVENT::Cluster.

EVENT::FloatVec & IMPL::ClusterImpl::subdetectorEnergies (  ) 

To be used for modifying the subdetector energies, e.g.

clu->subdetectorEnergies().resize(3) ; clu->subdetectorEnergies()[0] = 123.4567 ; clu->subdetectorEnergies()[1] = 12.34567 ; clu->subdetectorEnergies()[2] = 1.234567 ;

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