CalibrationConstant Class Reference

Example for a simple calibration class based on the LCFixedObject template. More...

#include </afs/>

Inheritance diagram for CalibrationConstant:
UTIL::LCFixedObject< NINT, NFLOAT, NDOUBLE > EVENT::LCGenericObject EVENT::LCObject lcrtrel::LCRTRelations

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CalibrationConstant (int cellID, float offset, float gain)
 Convenient c'tor.
 CalibrationConstant (LCObject *o)
 'Copy constructor' needed to interpret LCCollection read from file/database.
virtual ~CalibrationConstant ()
 Important for memory handling.
int getCellID ()
float getOffset ()
float getGain ()
void print (std::ostream &os)
const std::string getTypeName () const
 The type name of the user class (typically the class name) This type name is stored as a collection parameter "TypeName" with every collection of LCGenericObject subclasses.
const std::string getDataDescription () const
 The description string.

Detailed Description

Example for a simple calibration class based on the LCFixedObject template.

LCFixedObject uses an instance of LCGenericObjectImpl that holds the data, thus there is no overhead when the data is read from a database or file for copying it to some local structure (Decorator pattern).

Member Function Documentation

const std::string CalibrationConstant::getDataDescription (  )  const [inline, virtual]

The description string.

A comma separated list of pairs of type identifier, one of 'i','f','d' followed by ':' and an attribute name, e.g. "i:cellId,f:offset,f:gain".

Implements EVENT::LCGenericObject.

const std::string CalibrationConstant::getTypeName (  )  const [inline, virtual]

The type name of the user class (typically the class name) This type name is stored as a collection parameter "TypeName" with every collection of LCGenericObject subclasses.

Implements EVENT::LCGenericObject.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Functions Variables Typedefs Friends

Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1