UTIL::CellIDEncoder< T > Class Template Reference

Specialization for SimTrackerHits that have only one cellID. More...

#include <UTIL/CellIDEncoder.h>

Inheritance diagram for UTIL::CellIDEncoder< T >:
UTIL::BitField64 UTIL::ILDCellIDEncoder< T >

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CellIDEncoder (const CellIDEncoder &)
CellIDEncoderoperator= (const CellIDEncoder &)
 CellIDEncoder (const std::string &cellIDEncoding, EVENT::LCCollection *col)
 Constructor, sets collection parameter LCIO::CellIDEncoding to the given encoding string.
void setCellID (T *hit)
void setCellIDFlag ()
 Helper method that sets/unsets the proper bit for storing a second cellid word.

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

template<class T>
class UTIL::CellIDEncoder< T >

Specialization for SimTrackerHits that have only one cellID.

Convenient class for encoding cellIDs for various hit objects. It sets the proper collection parameter LCIO::CellIDEncoding and sets the proper flag bit for storing a second cellid if necessary. See UTIL::BitField64 for a description of the encoding string. Example:
  CellIDEncoder<SimCalorimeterHitImpl> cd( "i:20,j:20,k:20" ,calVec ) ;
  for(int j=0;j<NHITS;j++){
   SimCalorimeterHitImpl* hit = new SimCalorimeterHitImpl ;
   cd["i"] = j ;
   cd["j"] = j + 100 ;
   cd["k"] = j + 200 ;
   cd.setCellID( hit ) ;

See also:
CellIDEncoder.h,v 1.6 2008-01-22 14:38:55 gaede Exp

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