UTIL Namespace Reference

The namespace UTIL holds convenient and support classes and methods for the LCIO objects. More...


class  LCTokenizer
 Helper class for string tokenization. More...
class  BitFieldValue
 Helper class for BitField64 that corresponds to one field value. More...
class  BitField64
 A bit field of 64bits that allows convenient declaration and manipulation of sub fields of various widths. More...
class  BitSet32
 Convenient helper class for setting single bits in a 32bit-field, such as collection flags or hit types - extends std::bitset<32>. More...
class  CellIDDecoder
 Convenient class for decoding cellIDs from collection parameter LCIO::CellIDEncoding. More...
class  CellIDEncoder
 Specialization for SimTrackerHits that have only one cellID. More...
class  CollectionParameterMap
 Helper class for setting and retrieving an std::map<string,int> as collection parameters. More...
struct  ILDCellID0
 Helper class to define constants for the canonical encoding of the CellID0 in tracking sub detectors in ILD (or ILD like detectors). More...
class  ILDCellIDEncoder
 Special wrapper to the CellIDEncoder<T> that enforces cellID0 to use the encoder string defined in ILDCellID0::encoder_string. More...
struct  ILDDetID
 Define integer constants for identifying ILD sub detectors. More...
struct  ILDTrkHitTypeBit
 Define integer constants for bits of the the lcio tracker hit type used in the context of ILD reconstruction code. More...
struct  ILDTrkHitQualityBit
 Define integer constants for bits of the the lcio tracker hit quality used in the context of ILD reconstruction code. More...
class  IndexMap
 utility class to manage indices according to Collection Parameters More...
class  LCFixedObject
 Template class for fixed size LCGenericObject subclasses. More...
class  LCFourVector
 Four vector used in LCIO. More...
class  LCIterator
 Simple convenient iterator class for LCCollections that saves some boiler plate code. More...
class  LCObjectHandle
 Template handle class for LCObjects. More...
class  LCRelationNavigator
 The LCRelationNavigator makes repeated lookup of relations more conveneient and efficient. More...
class  LCSplitWriter
 LCWriter wrapper that automatically splits files if a given number of bytes is exceeded. More...
class  LCStdHepRdr
 Basic utility for reading a binary stdhep file and filling a LCCollectionVec with MCParticles containing the stdhep file information. More...
class  LCTime
 Helper class that allows to convert time stamps as defined in LCEvent::getTimeStamp() ( ns since 1.1.1970 00:00:00 UTC) to ordinary date and time and vice versa. More...
class  LCTOOLS
 Provides some basic functions for printing event data. More...
class  LCTrackerCellID
 Singleton helper class defining the cellID encoding used in the LC tracking packages. More...
class  LCTypedVector
 Templated helper class that is an std::vector<T*> of the elements in the LCCollection. More...
class  LCWarning
 Utility class to show warnings in LCIO. More...
class  lcio_short
class  LCIO_LONG
class  PIDHandler
 Convenient class for setting and retrieving particle id information attached to ReconstructedParticles. More...
class  UnknownAlgorithm
 Exception for unknown algorithms. More...


enum  ObjectType { Cluster = 1, ReconstructedParticle }


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BitField64 &b)
 Operator for dumping BitField64 to streams.
BitSet32 make_bitset32 (int bit0)
 Convenient helper that creates a BitSet32 with bit0 set.
BitSet32 make_bitset32 (int bit0, int bit1)
 Convenient helper that creates a BitSet32 with bit0 and bit1 set.
BitSet32 make_bitset32 (int bit0, int bit1, int bit2)
 Convenient helper that creates a BitSet32 with bit0 - bit2 set.
BitSet32 make_bitset32 (int bit0, int bit1, int bit2, int bit3)
 Convenient helper that creates a BitSet32 with bit0 - bit3 set.
BitSet32 make_bitset32 (int bit0, int bit1, int bit2, int bit3, int bit4)
 Convenient helper that creates a BitSet32 with bit0 - bit4 set.
int set_bit (int flag, int bit)
 Convenient helper to set a bit in a given int - for example:
trkHit->setType( set_bit( trkHit->getType() , UTIL::ILDTrkHitTypeBit::ONE_DIMENSIONAL ) ) ;.
int unset_bit (int flag, int bit)
 Convenient helper to unset a bit in a given int - for example:
trkHit->setType( set_bit( trkHit->getType() , UTIL::ILDTrkHitTypeBit::ONE_DIMENSIONAL ) ) ;.
template<class T >
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit ()
 Helper function that returns the bit for cellid1 through template specialization or -1 if no cellid1 exists.
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::CalorimeterHit > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::TrackerData > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::TrackerPulse > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::TrackerRawData > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::TrackerHit > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::TrackerHitPlane > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
int CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::SimTrackerHit > ()
 specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid
template<class T >
void CellIDEncoder_setCellID (T *hit, int low, int high)
 Helper function that sets cellid1 and cellid2.
template<class T >
const char * lctypename ()
 Template that returns the LCIO type name as used in the LCCollctions (and files), e.g.
const char * lctypename< EVENT::MCParticle > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::CalorimeterHit > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::SimTrackerHit > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::TrackerRawData > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::TrackerData > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::TrackerPulse > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::TrackerHit > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::TrackerHitPlane > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::LCStrVec > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::LCFloatVec > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::LCIntVec > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::Track > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::Cluster > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::ReconstructedParticle > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::LCRelation > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::LCGenericObject > ()
const char * lctypename< EVENT::Vertex > ()
template<class T >
const char * lctypename (const T *)
 Template that returns the LCIO type name as used in the LCCollctions (and files) based on the object's type, e.g.
const char * lctypename< EVENT::LCObject > (const EVENT::LCObject *o)
 Specialization for polymorphic LCObject pointers - slow.
template<class T >
lcio_short< T > lcshort (const T *t, const EVENT::LCCollection *b=NULL)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::Vertex *)
 operator for detailed output of a vertex object (e.g.
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::Vertex *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::Vertex > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::MCParticle *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::MCParticle *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::MCParticle > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::TrackerHit *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::TrackerHit *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::TrackerHit > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::TrackerHitPlane *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::TrackerHitPlane *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::TrackerHitPlane > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::SimTrackerHit *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::SimTrackerHit *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::SimTrackerHit > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::CalorimeterHit *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::CalorimeterHit *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::CalorimeterHit > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit > &sV)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::ReconstructedParticle *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::ReconstructedParticle *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::ReconstructedParticle > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::Track *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::Track *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::Track > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::TrackState *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::TrackState *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::TrackState > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::Cluster *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::Cluster *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::Cluster > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCRelation *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCRelation *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCRelation > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCFloatVec *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCFloatVec *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCFloatVec > &)
template<class T >
const std::string & header ()
template<class T >
const std::string & tail ()
template<class T >
LCIO_LONG< T > lcio_long (const T &o, const EVENT::LCCollection *c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::CalorimeterHit > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::Cluster > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::Track > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::TrackState > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::ReconstructedParticle > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::TrackerHit > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::TrackerHitPlane > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::TrackerHitZCylinder > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::SimTrackerHit > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::MCParticle > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::Vertex > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCRelation > ll)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCFloatVec > ll)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCCollection *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCCollection *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCCollection > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCEvent *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCEvent *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCEvent > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCFlag *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCFlag *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCFlag > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCGenericObject *, const EVENT::LCCollection *v=NULL)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCGenericObject *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCGenericObject > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCIntVec *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCIntVec *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCIntVec > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCObject *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCObject *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCObject > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCParameters *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCParameters *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCParameters > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCRunHeader *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCRunHeader *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCRunHeader > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::ParticleID *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::ParticleID *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::ParticleID > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::TrackerData *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::TrackerData *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::TrackerData > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::TrackerPulse *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::TrackerPulse *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::TrackerPulse > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::TrackerRawData *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::TrackerRawData *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::TrackerRawData > &)
const std::string & header (const EVENT::LCIO *)
const std::string & tail (const EVENT::LCIO *)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const UTIL::lcio_short< EVENT::LCIO > &)
template<class T >
std::string toString (const T *obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCCollection > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCEvent > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCFlag > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCGenericObject > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCIntVec > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCObject > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCParameters > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCRunHeader > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::LCIO > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::ParticleID > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::RawCalorimeterHit > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::TrackerData > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::TrackerPulse > l)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const LCIO_LONG< EVENT::TrackerRawData > l)


static int MAX_HITS = 1000

Detailed Description

The namespace UTIL holds convenient and support classes and methods for the LCIO objects.

Function Documentation

int UTIL::CellIDEncoder_cellID1Bit< EVENT::SimCalorimeterHit > (  )  [inline]

specialization that returns the proper bit for the second cellid

Helper function that returns the bit for cellid1 through template specialization or -1 if no cellid1 exists.

const std::string & UTIL::header ( const EVENT::Vertex  ) 
template<class T >
const char* UTIL::lctypename ( const T *   )  [inline]

Template that returns the LCIO type name as used in the LCCollctions (and files) based on the object's type, e.g.

MCParticle* mcp ;
std::cout << lctypename( mcp ) << std::endl ;

template<class T >
const char * UTIL::lctypename (  )  [inline]

Template that returns the LCIO type name as used in the LCCollctions (and files), e.g.

Specialization for implemention classes.

std::cout << lctypename<MCParticle>() << std::endl ;
This can be used in user templates to create a new collection of the template type.

const char* UTIL::lctypename< EVENT::LCObject > ( const EVENT::LCObject o  )  [inline]

Specialization for polymorphic LCObject pointers - slow.


LCObject* obj = new McParticle ;
std::cout << lctypename( obj ) << std::endl ;

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Generated on 6 Mar 2020 for LCIO by  doxygen 1.6.1