gear::Vector3D::Cartesian | |
gear::CGAGeometryInitializer | CGA Geometry Initializer class |
gear::Vector3D::Cylindrical | |
exception | |
gear::Exception | Base exception class for GEAR - all other exceptions extend this |
gear::NotImplementedException | NotImplementedException used for features that are not implemented |
gear::OutsideGeometryException | OutsideGeometryException used if user asks for info from geometry tree where no node is defined |
gear::ParseException | ParseException used for parse errors, e.g |
gear::TPCModule::NoZPositionException | An exception that is special for the TPCModule |
gear::UnknownParameterException | UnknownParameterException call Processor::end() |
gear::FTDLayerLayout | Abstract description of layers in a FTD detector |
gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl | |
gear::GEAR | Global constants used in GEAR |
gear::GearDistanceProperties | Abstract interface for a class that returns the (material) properties along a given distance between two points in in world coordinates |
gear::CGAGearDistanceProperties | CGA Implementation of the abstract interface that returns the (material) properties along a given distance between two points in in world coordinates |
gear::TGeoGearDistanceProperties | TGeo Implementation of the abstract interface that returns the (material) properties along a given distance between two points in in world coordinates |
gear::GearMaterialProperties | Abstract base class for implemenations of the GearPointPtoperties and GearDistanceProperties |
gear::TGeoMaterialProperties | Concrete implemetation for TGeo |
gear::GearMaterialPropertiesFactory | Factory singleton class - plugin libraries will have to implement a concrete factory and register it on loading |
gear::TGeoMaterialPropertiesFactory | Implementation of Factory 'singleton' class |
gear::GearMgr | Abstract interface for a manager class that returns the Gear classes for the relevant subdetectors |
gear::GearMgrImpl | Manager class that returns the Gear classes for the relevant subdetectors |
gear::GearParameters | Abstract interface for a set of parameters that can be used to describe the geometrical properties of a specific subdetector type for reconstruction |
gear::BField | Global B field map |
gear::ConstantBField | Global B field map implementation with constant field |
gear::CalorimeterParameters | Proposal for an abstract interface that defines geometry properties of a typical sampling calorimeter as needed for reconstruction |
gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl | Implementation of |
gear::FTDParameters | Geometry properties of a FTD detector needed for reconstruction code |
gear::FTDParametersImpl | Geometry properties of a FTD detector needed for reconstruction code |
gear::GearParametersImpl | Implementation of GearParameters - a set off parameters that can be used to describe the geometrical properties of a specific subdetector type for reconstruction |
gear::CalorimeterParametersImpl | Implementation of |
gear::ConstantBField | Global B field map implementation with constant field |
gear::FTDParametersImpl | Geometry properties of a FTD detector needed for reconstruction code |
gear::SiPlanesParametersImpl | Abstract description of layers in pixel beam telescope with or without DUT |
gear::TPCModuleImpl | A wrapper Class for PadRowLayout2D, allowing which converts between local and global coordinate systems, and adds module appropriate functionality |
gear::TPCParametersImpl | A Container for TPCModules which describe the geometry properties of a given TPC |
gear::TrackerPlanesParametersImpl | Abstract description of layers in pixel beam telescope |
gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl | Geometry properties of a planar detector (parallel to z-axis) needed for reconstruction code |
gear::SiPlanesParameters | Geometry properties of a pixel beam telescope needed for reconstruction code |
gear::SiPlanesParametersImpl | Abstract description of layers in pixel beam telescope with or without DUT |
gear::TPCModule | A wrapper Class for PadRowLayout2D which converts between the actual pad layouts local coodinate system and the TPCs global coordinate systems |
gear::TPCModuleImpl | A wrapper Class for PadRowLayout2D, allowing which converts between local and global coordinate systems, and adds module appropriate functionality |
gear::TPCParameters | Proposal for an abstract interface that defines the geometry properties of a TPC like detector needed for reconstruction code |
gear::TPCParametersImpl | A Container for TPCModules which describe the geometry properties of a given TPC |
gear::TrackerPlanesParameters | Geometry properties of a pixel beam telescope needed for reconstruction code |
gear::TrackerPlanesParametersImpl | Abstract description of layers in pixel beam telescope |
gear::ZPlanarParameters | Geometry properties of a vertex detector needed for reconstruction code |
gear::ZPlanarParametersImpl | Geometry properties of a planar detector (parallel to z-axis) needed for reconstruction code |
gear::GearPointProperties | Abstract interface for a class that returns the (material) properties of a given point in in world coordinates |
gear::CGAGearPointProperties | CGA implementation of the abstract interface that returns the (material) properties of a given point in world coordinates |
gear::TGeoGearPointProperties | TGeo implementation of the abstract interface that returns the (material) properties of a given point in world coordinates |
gear::GearXML | Implementation of GEAR using XML |
gear::GlobalPadIndex | Global pad index implimentation |
gear::IBoundary | |
gear::BoundaryRectangle | A class for boundaries of a rectangle |
gear::BoundaryTrapezoid | A class for boundaries of a trapzoid |
gear::ICoordinateSystem | An abstract base class for coordinate systems |
gear::CartesianCoordinateSystem | Cartesian coordinate system class |
gear::SiPlanesLayerLayoutImpl::Layer | Helper class for layer properties |
gear::FTDLayerLayoutImpl::Layer | Helper class for layer properties |
gear::ZPlanarLayerLayoutImpl::Layer | Helper class for layer properties |
gear::LayerLayoutImpl::Layer | Helper class for layer properties |
gear::LayerLayout | Abstract description of a layered layout detector - typically a a sampling calorimeter |
gear::LayerLayoutImpl | Implementation of layered layout detector - typically a a sampling calorimeter |
gear::MaterialMap | Material map using GearDistanceProperties |
gear::MaterialMapFactory | Factory to create material maps using GearDistanceProperties |
gear::MeasurementSurface | |
gear::MeasurementSurfaceStore | |
gear::MeasurementSurfaceStoreFiller | |
gear::MergeXML | Class to merge two xml files |
gear::PadRowLayout2D | Abstract description of a planar subdetector with pads (cells) that are positioned in rows (circular or rectangular) |
gear::FixedDiskLayoutBase | Base class for circular PadRowLayout2D implementations |
gear::FixedPadAngleDiskLayout | Implementation of PadRowLayout2D for a disk with fixed angled keystone pads |
gear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayout | Implementation of PadRowLayout2D for a disk with fixed sized keystone pads |
gear::VersatileDiskRowLayout | Implementation of PadRowLayout2D for a wedge shaped module |
gear::RectangularPadRowLayout | Implementation of PadRowLayout2D for a rectangular row based layout where all pads in a given row are equal and have rectangular shape |
gear::TPCModule | A wrapper Class for PadRowLayout2D which converts between the actual pad layouts local coodinate system and the TPCs global coordinate systems |
gear::PadRowLayout2DXML | Abstract XML handler for PadRowLayout2DXML |
gear::FixedPadAngleDiskLayoutXML | Abstract XML handler for FixedPadAngleDiskLayoutXML |
gear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayoutXML | Abstract XML handler for FixedPadSizeDiskLayoutXML |
gear::RectangularPadRowLayoutXML | Abstract XML handler for RectangularPadRowLayoutXML |
gear::VersatileDiskRowLayoutXML | XML handler for VersatileDiskRowLayoutXML |
gear::FixedPadSizeDiskLayout::Row | Internal helper class for FixedPadSizeDiskLayout |
gear::VersatileDiskRowLayout::Row | Internal helper class for VersatileDiskRowLayout, describing one row |
gear::RectangularPadRowLayout::Row | Internal helper class for RectangularPadRowLayout |
gear::SiPlanesLayerLayoutImpl::SensLayer | |
gear::SensorID | Helper struct for decoding a sensor ID |
gear::SimpleMaterial | Abstract interface for a simple material description tjhat hold s the following properties: A, Z, density, radiation length and interaction length |
gear::SimpleMaterialImpl | Implementation of gear::SimpleMaterial |
gear::SimpleMaterialXML | XML handler for SimpleMaterial |
gear::SiPlanesLayerLayout | Abstract description of layers in a pixel beam telescope |
gear::SiPlanesLayerLayoutImpl | Abstract description of layers in pixel beam telescope |
gear::Vector3D::Spherical | |
gear::TiXmlBase::StringToBuffer | |
gear::TGeoGeometryInitializer | TGeo Geometry Initializer class |
gear::TiXmlAttributeSet | |
gear::TiXmlBase | TiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml |
gear::TiXmlAttribute | An attribute is a name-value pair |
gear::TiXmlNode | The parent class for everything in the Document Object Model |
gear::TiXmlComment | An XML comment |
gear::TiXmlDeclaration | In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file |
gear::TiXmlDocument | Always the top level node |
gear::TiXmlElement | The element is a container class |
gear::TiXmlText | XML text |
gear::TiXmlUnknown | Any tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown |
gear::TiXmlCursor | |
gear::TiXmlHandle | A TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing |
gear::TiXmlParsingData | |
gear::Tokenizer | Helper class for XMLParser |
gear::TPCModuleXML | Abstract XML handler for TPCModuleXML |
gear::TrackerPlanesLayer | |
gear::TrackerPlanesLayerImpl | |
gear::TrackerPlanesLayerLayout | |
gear::TrackerPlanesLayerLayoutImpl | Collection of layers = telescope description |
gear::TrackerPlanesMaterialLayer | |
gear::TrackerPlanesMaterialLayerImpl | Abstract description of layers in pixel beam telescope |
gear::TrackerPlanesSensitiveLayer | |
gear::TrackerPlanesSensitiveLayerImpl | |
gear::Vector3D | Simple three dimensional vector providing the components for cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems - internal reperesentation is cartesian |
gear::VectorND_T< N, Float_T > | Trivial N-dimensional vector |
gear::VectorND_T< 2, double > | |
gear::Vector2D_T< double > | |
gear::VectorND_T< 2, Float_T > | |
gear::Vector2D_T< Float_T > | Specialization for 2D |
gear::VectorND_T< 3, Float_T > | |
gear::Vector3D_T< Float_T > | Specialization for 3D |
gear::vframe | Abstract description of layers in a FTD detector |
gear::XMLHandler | Interface for XML handlers of GEAR classes |
gear::CalorimeterParametersXML | XML handler for CalorimeterParameters |
gear::ConstantBFieldXML | XML handler for ConstantBField |
gear::FTDParametersXML | XML handler for FTDParameters |
gear::GearParametersXML | XML handler for GearParameters |
gear::SiPlanesParametersXML | XML handler for SiPlanesParameters |
gear::TPCParametersXML | Abstract XML handler for TPCParameters |
gear::TrackerPlanesParametersXML | XML handler for TrackerPlanesParameters |
gear::ZPlanarParametersXML | XML handler for ZPlanarParameters |
gear::XMLHandlerMgr | Manager for XML handlers of GEAR classes |
gear::ZPlanarLayerLayout | Abstract description of layers in a Vertex detector |
gear::ZPlanarLayerLayoutImpl | Abstract description of layers in a Vertex detector |