ILC Data Samples
Monte Carlo production for ILC and CLIC is done with ILCDirac and the produced files are registered in the Dirac file catalogue.
Please visit https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CLIC/DiracUsage
for information on how to use ILCDirac and the catalogue.
If you are already are a member of the VO ILC, have your certificate imported in your browser and are a registered ILCDirac user you can directly browse the data catalogue online here:
Samples produced for the DBD (2012)
The old Web interface to the DBD production Database has been retired. The data files produced for the DBD have been migrated to the Dirac file catalogue.
Generator samples for the DBD production
DBD production status
Samples produced for the LOI (2008)
Generator files for LOI Benchmark reactions.
Generator files for LOI SM background (500GeV)
Generator files for LOI SM background (250GeV)
Files simulated (Mokka-06-07-p01) for ILD_00
ILD Reconstructed MonteCarlo data sets (ILD_00 )
ILD Reconstructed MonteCarlo data sets (LDCPrime )
ILD MonteCarlo Database
This database provides you with information about several Monte Carlo samples of various physics processes using different detector models. The logical filenames retrieved from this database can be used to access the LCIO files using lcg grid tools.
Howt access data files on the grid
The logical filenames retrieved from the database can be used to access the
LCIO files using lcg grid tools. You can use the tools to either copy the files to your local machine or within a job that is run on a grid site.
As a prerequisite you have to
- have a valid grid certificate
- be a member of the virtual organization (VO) ILC
(or a related VO like CALICE)
- have access to a machine with lcg tools installed (or use the DESY afs installation)
For detailed information and examples please visit:
Gear Files
Contains some example gear files for the data that is available in the database.
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