exception | |
AIDA::NotYetImplementedException | |
AIDA::IAnalysisFactory | The "master" factory from which other factories are obtained |
AIDA::IAnalysisFactoryROOT | The "master" factory from which other factories are obtained |
AIDA::IAnnotation | The annotation holds arbitrary information represented with (key,value) pairs of strings |
AIDA::IAnnotationROOT | The annotation holds arbitrary information represented with (key,value) pairs of strings |
AIDA::IAxis | An IAxis represents a binned histogram axis |
AIDA::IAxisROOT | An IAxis represents a binned histogram axis |
AIDA::IBaseHistogram | Class IAnnotation; |
AIDA::ICloud | User level interface to a Cloud |
AIDA::ICloud1D | User level interface to a 1D Cloud |
AIDA::ICloud1DROOT | User level interface to a 1D Cloud |
AIDA::ICloud2D | User level interface to a 2D Cloud |
AIDA::ICloud2DROOT | User level interface to a 2D Cloud |
AIDA::ICloud3D | User level interface to a 3D Cloud |
AIDA::ICloud3DROOT | User level interface to a 3D Cloud |
AIDA::IHistogram | User level interface to Histogram |
AIDA::IHistogram1D | User level interface to 1D Histogram |
AIDA::IHistogram1DROOT | Class IAxis; |
AIDA::IHistogram2D | User level interface to 2D Histogram |
AIDA::IHistogram2DROOT | Class IAxis; |
AIDA::IHistogram3D | User level interface to 3D Histogram |
AIDA::IHistogram3DROOT | Class IAxis; |
AIDA::IProfile | User level interface to a Profile histogram |
AIDA::IProfile1D | User level interface to a 1-dimensional profile histogram |
AIDA::IProfile1DROOT | User level interface to a 1-dimensional profile histogram |
AIDA::IProfile2D | User level interface to a 2-dimensional profile histogram |
AIDA::IProfile2DROOT | User level interface to a 2-dimensional profile histogram |
AIDA::IBaseStyle | Superclass for all styles in AIDA Plotting package |
AIDA::IAxisStyle | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::IAxisStyleROOT | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::IBaseStyleROOT | Superclass for all styles in AIDA Plotting package |
AIDA::IAxisStyleROOT | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::IBrushStyleROOT | Superclass for anything which can be drawn in different colours and with (possibly) transparent/opaque/translucent effect |
AIDA::IFillStyleROOT | Style for all filled areas (boxes, regions, histograms, etc.) |
AIDA::ILineStyleROOT | Style for all lines (axis lines, legend box outlines, etc.) |
AIDA::IMarkerStyleROOT | Style for all markers (histo representation, legend box etc.) |
AIDA::ITextStyleROOT | Style for all text (e.g |
AIDA::IDataStyleROOT | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::IInfoStyleROOT | Style for the part of the scene representing the info area |
AIDA::IPlotterStyleROOT | User level interface to plotter style |
AIDA::ITitleStyleROOT | Style for the "title scene part" of a plotting region or for the global title of a plotting page |
AIDA::IBrushStyle | Superclass for anything which can be drawn in different colours and with (possibly) transparent/opaque/translucent effect |
AIDA::IBrushStyleROOT | Superclass for anything which can be drawn in different colours and with (possibly) transparent/opaque/translucent effect |
AIDA::IFillStyle | Style for all filled areas (boxes, regions, histograms, etc.) |
AIDA::IFillStyleROOT | Style for all filled areas (boxes, regions, histograms, etc.) |
AIDA::ILineStyle | Style for all lines (axis lines, legend box outlines, etc.) |
AIDA::ILineStyleROOT | Style for all lines (axis lines, legend box outlines, etc.) |
AIDA::IMarkerStyle | Style for all markers (histo representation, legend box etc.) |
AIDA::IMarkerStyleROOT | Style for all markers (histo representation, legend box etc.) |
AIDA::ITextStyle | Style for all text (e.g |
AIDA::ITextStyleROOT | Style for all text (e.g |
AIDA::IDataStyle | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::IDataStyleROOT | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::IInfoStyle | Style for the part of the scene representing the info area |
AIDA::IInfoStyleROOT | Style for the part of the scene representing the info area |
AIDA::IPlotterStyle | User level interface to plotter style |
AIDA::IPlotterStyleROOT | User level interface to plotter style |
AIDA::ITitleStyle | Style for the "title scene part" of a plotting region or for the global title of a plotting page |
AIDA::ITitleStyleROOT | Style for the "title scene part" of a plotting region or for the global title of a plotting page |
AIDA::IDataPoint | Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "measurements" |
AIDA::IDataPointROOT | Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "measurements" |
AIDA::IDataPointSet | Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "data points" |
AIDA::IDataPointSetROOT | Basic user-level interface class for holding and managing a single set of "data points" |
AIDA::IDataPointSetFactory | Basic user-level interface for creating a factory of IDataPointSet |
AIDA::IDataPointSetFactoryROOT | Basic user-level interface for creating a factory of IDataPointSet |
AIDA::IEvaluator | User's level interface of an IEvaluator |
AIDA::IEvaluatorROOT | User's level interface of an IEvaluator |
AIDA::IFilter | User's level interface of an IFilter |
AIDA::IFilterROOT | User's level interface of an IFilter |
AIDA::IFitData | |
AIDA::IFitDataROOT | Dummy implementation of the Abstract representation of the fit data |
AIDA::IFitFactory | Factory for fitter and fit data objects |
AIDA::IFitFactoryROOT | Dummy implementation of class "IFitFactory" |
AIDA::IFitParameterSettings | |
AIDA::IFitParameterSettingsROOT | Dummy implementation of IFitParameterSettings |
AIDA::IFitResult | |
AIDA::IFitResultROOT | Dummy implementation of the IFitResult class |
AIDA::IFitter | Fitter performs fits, scans and computes contours |
AIDA::IFitterROOT | Dummy implementation of the class "IFitter" |
AIDA::IFunction | Principal user-level function interface |
AIDA::IFunctionROOT | |
AIDA::IModelFunctionROOT | |
AIDA::IModelFunction | Interface of model function for fitting (for advanced users) |
AIDA::IModelFunctionROOT | |
AIDA::IFunctionCatalog | |
AIDA::IFunctionCatalogROOT | |
AIDA::IFunctionFactory | Function factory |
AIDA::IFunctionFactoryROOT | |
AIDA::IHistogramFactory | User level interface for factory classes of Histograms (binned, unbinned, and profile) The created objects are assumed to be managed by the tree which is associated to the factory |
AIDA::IHistogramFactoryROOT | User level interface for factory classes of Histograms (binned, unbinned, and profile) The created objects are assumed to be managed by the tree which is associated to the factory |
AIDA::IInfo | The info class permits to access the info area of a region |
AIDA::IInfoROOT | The info class permits to access the info area of a region |
AIDA::IManagedObject | An object which can be stored in a tree |
AIDA::IManagedObjectROOT | An object which can be stored in a tree |
AIDA::IMeasurement | Basic user-level interface class for holding a single "measurement" with positive and negative errors (to allow for asymmetric errors) |
AIDA::IMeasurementROOT | Basic user-level interface class for holding a single "measurement" with positive and negative errors (to allow for asymmetric errors) |
AIDA::IPlotter | User level interface to plotter |
AIDA::IPlotterROOT | User level interface to plotter |
AIDA::IPlotterFactory | Factory for plotter and styles |
AIDA::IPlotterFactoryROOT | Factory for plotter and styles |
AIDA::IPlotterLayout | Interface to permit customization of the layout of scene objects |
AIDA::IPlotterLayoutROOT | Interface to permit customization of the layout of scene objects |
AIDA::IPlotterRegion | User level interface to a plotter region |
AIDA::IPlotterRegionROOT | Dummy implementation of thc class "IPlotterRegion" |
AIDA::IRangeSet | User level interface to RangeSet |
AIDA::IRangeSetROOT | User level interface to RangeSet |
AIDA::ITree | Class IManagedObject; |
AIDA::ITreeROOT | Class IManagedObject; |
AIDA::ITreeFactory | The creator of trees |
AIDA::ITreeFactoryROOT | The creator of trees |
AIDA::ITuple | User level interface to a Tuple |
AIDA::ITupleROOT | User level interface to a Tuple |
AIDA::ITupleEntry | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::ITupleEntryROOT | Style for the part of the scene representing the data (then histograms, functions, data point sets) |
AIDA::ITupleFactory | A factory for creating ITuples |
AIDA::ITupleFactoryROOT | A factory for creating ITuples |
AIDA::LeafPoint | This class holds the values to be filled into a n-tuple |
AIDA::Naming | |
AIDA::PathName | |
AIDA::Settings | Helper class to hold the current setting, the default setting and the possible settings for a key |