Eigenvalue | |
marlin | === AbsCalibr ==== <br> Processor makes: |
SatoruJetFinderProcessor | A universal jetfinder module developed by Satoru Yamashita |
AbsCalibr | |
Calibration | |
CCDDigitizer | |
CheckPlots | This processor provides check plots |
ClusterCheater5_3 | === Cluster Cheater 5_3 === This processor constructs true clusters |
ClusterParams | Allows to use VXDClusterParameters as runtime extension object |
CoreCalib2 | Container for holding the numbers needed for energy estimation |
CoreCut2 | Container for keeping the parameters of the core fineder together |
DigiHitExtended | |
ECALHitWithAttributes | |
EMShowerFinder | Initial version of a processor to find electro-magnetic showers |
Fox | Processor calculates Fox-Wolfram moments |
ILDCaloDigi | === ILDCaloDigi Processor === Simple calorimeter digitizer Processor |
IonisationPoint | |
isPartOfEMShowerCandidate | |
KIT | Example processor for marlin |
LDCCaloDigi | === LDCCaloDigi Processor === Simple calorimeter digitizer Processor |
MokkaCaloDigi | |
MyG4UniversalFluctuationForSi | |
MyHit | === MokkaCaloDigi Processor === Calorimeter digitizer Processor for LCIO files produced by Mokka |
NewLDCCaloDigi | === NewLDCCaloDigi Processor === Simple calorimeter digitizer Processor |
NNClusterProcessor | Example processor that does a simple nearest neighbour (NN) clustering on one or more CalorimeterHit collections |
Photon2 | |
PROTSEED2 | Container for storing the EM shower core candidates |
SatoruJetsArray | |
SatoruPartonArray | |
ScintillatorPpdDigi | |
SelectReconstructedParticle | Processor for marlin selecting reconstructed particle for further use |
SignalPoint | |
SimpleCaloDigi | === SimpleCaloDigi Processor === Simple calorimeter digitizer Processor |
SimpleFCalDigi | === SimpleFCalDigi Processor === Simple calorimeter digitizer for the LCal Processor |
SimpleMuonDigi | === SimpleMuonDigi Processor === Simple calorimeter digitizer for the muon detectors |
Sphere | Processor that calculates sphericity,aplanarity, C and D event parametres for detail explanation look documentation |
Superhit2 | Basic hit class for reconstruction, contains the calorimeter hit plus additional parameters |
ThrustReconstruction | Thrust processor for marlin |
Tmpcl2 | Basic cluster class for reconstruction |
TPCDigiProcessor | ====== TPCDigiProcessor ====== |
Voxel_tpc | |
VTXBgClusters | ======= VTXBgClusters ========== Add Cluster parameters to VXD hits, according to projection of path length into the ladder.. |
VTXDigiProcessor | ======= VTXDigiProcessor ========== Produces SIT & VTX TrackerHit collection from SimTrackerHit collections |
VTXDigitizer | Digitizer for Simulated Hits in the Vertex Detector |
VTXNoiseClusters | ======= VTXNoiseClusters ========== Adds random noise hits to collection of SimTrackerHits of the vertex detector |
VTXNoiseHits | ======= VTXNoiseHits ========== Adds random noise hits to collection of TrackerHits of the vertex detector |
VXDClusterParameters | ======= VXDClusterParameters ========== Holds cluster parameters for a VXD hit - to be attached at runtime to the SimTrackerHit |
VXDGeometry | ======= VXDGeometry ========== Helper class for VXD geomtry transformations: from lab frame to ladder frame coordinates and inverse |
VXDLadder | Helper struct for VXD ladder geometry |
VXDLayer | Helper struct for VXD layer geometry |