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Up ILC Soft Software Packages MarlinUtil  · 


The MarlinUtil package is a library with commonly used classes and functions.

Project description
The MarlinUtil package is a library with commonly used classes and functions. All these classes and functions can be accessed from any processors in Marlin by simply binding in this package. The content of the library can be roughly divided into four sets:

  1. Extension Classes for Tracker- and Calorimeter Hit classes. They expand the functionality of the corresponding, native LCIO classes. Moreover there is a class for grouping track segments.
  2. Cluster Shape and Helix classes. These classes provide analysis functionality for clusters of calorimeter hits, such as calculating centre of gravity as well as fits of cluster shapes and simple helixes.
  3. CED classes. These are intrinsic classes needed for the handling of the C Event Display (CED).
  4. Miscellaneous classes, such as classes for printing the Monte Carlo particle tree of a LCIO file to the standard output and headers with math and physics constants.

Current Release:

Download source code directly from svn repository:

Using your DESY account for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/desy/marlinreco/MarlinUtil/trunk MarlinUtil

Using your grid certificate for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/svn/marlinreco/MarlinUtil/trunk MarlinUtil

Anonymous (read-only) access
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/marlinreco/MarlinUtil/trunk MarlinUtil

Replace /trunk with /tags/vXX-YY to access a particular release


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