URL: https://ilcsoft.desy.de/portal/e14/e299/index_eng.html


Up ILC Soft Software Packages Marlin  · 


Marlin is a simple modular application framework for analysis and reconstruction code based on LCIO.

Current Release:

Project description
Marlin is a C++ software framework for ILC software.
It uses the LCIO data model and can be used for all tasks that involve processing of LCIO files, e.g. reconstruction and analysis.

The idea is that every computing task is implemented as a processor (module) that analyzes data in an LCEvent and creates additional output collections that are added to the event.
The framework allows to define the processors (and their order) that are executed at runtime in a
simple steering file. Via the steering file you can also define named parameters (string, float, int - single and arrays) for every processor as well as for the global scope.
By using the framework users don't have to write any code that deals with the IO they simply
write processors with defined callbacks, i.e. init(), processRunHeader(), processEvent(), end().

Download source code directly from svn repository:

Using your DESY account for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/desy/marlin/Marlin/trunk Marlin

Using your grid certificate for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/svn/marlin/Marlin/trunk Marlin

Anonymous (read-only) access
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/marlin/Marlin/trunk Marlin

Replace /trunk with /tags/vXX-YY to access a particular release


Old Releases

Some some minor new features like boolean processor parameters and skipping of first n events.

Some minor bug fixes and allows to split the outputfiles.

Allows to use GEAR and has updated documentation.
MarlinReco needs Marlin v00-09-02 or higher.

Marlin can now optionally be linked against LCCD to provide
easy access to conditions data. Also the API documentation has been improved.

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