URL: https://ilcsoft.desy.de/portal/e14/e257/index_eng.html


Up ILC Soft Software Packages LCIO  · 


A persistency framework and data model for LC detector studies.

Project description
LCIO is a persistency framework that defines a data model for linear collider detector studies. It is intended to be used in both simulation studies and analysis frameworks. Its light weight and portability makes it also suitable for use in detector R&D applications. It provides a C++ and a Java implementation with a common interface (API) - a Fortran interface to the C++ implementation also exists.

Current Release:
LCIO v02-01-02

C++ utility code for encoding/decoding of cell ids, additional pathLength in SimTrackerHit, python binding, large files (>2GB) and splitting of large files

Download a released version from the svn repository: (e.g. release v02-00)
svn co svn://svn.freehep.org/lcio/tags/v02-00 lcio-v02-00

Download the latest developers version from the svn repository: (i.e. the trunk)
svn co svn://svn.freehep.org/lcio/trunk lcio-dev

Please check user's manual from LCIO Home page for further details.


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