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Up ILC Soft Software Packages LCFIVertex  · 


The LCFIVertex package provides the vertex finder ZVTOP, flavour tagging as well as vertex charge determination for b- and c-jets.

Current Release:

Project Description

The LCFIVertex package provides the vertex finder ZVTOP, flavour tagging as well as vertex charge determination for b- and c-jets. The flavour tag provided is based on a neural net approach, combining track and vertex information to distinguish b, c- and light jets. The algorithm to determine vertex charge mainly follows the SLD-approach, with some modifications for b-jets. The package is interfaced to LCIO and MarlinReco and provides an object-oriented framework, in which the default approach can easily be modified and extended.

Download source code directly from svn repository:

Using your DESY account for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/desy/marlinreco/LCFIVertex/trunk LCFIVertex

Using your grid certificate for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/svn/marlinreco/LCFIVertex/trunk LCFIVertex

Anonymous (read-only) access
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/marlinreco/LCFIVertex/trunk LCFIVertex

Replace /trunk with /tags/vXX-YY to access a particular release

Reference Manual (Jan 2009)

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