URL: https://ilcsoft.desy.de/portal/e14/e331/index_eng.html


Up ILC Soft Software Packages EUTelescope  · 


EUTelescope is a group of Marlin processors to be used for analysis and reconstruction of data taken using the EUDET JRA1 pixel telescope.

Project description
The main goal of the EUTelescope software is to go from raw data acquired by a set of data aquisition boards to high level objects like tracks crossing the telescope. Those tracks are used to characterized both the telescope itself and any other position sensitive detector (DUT) that can be inserted into the telescope setup.

Download source code directly from svn repository:

Using your DESY account for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/desy/eutelescope/Eutelescope/trunk Eutelescope

Using your grid certificate for authentication:
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/svn/eutelescope/Eutelescope/trunk Eutelescope

Anonymous (read-only) access
svn co https://svnsrv.desy.de/public/eutelescope/Eutelescope/trunk Eutelescope

Replace /trunk with /tags/vXX-YY to access a particular release


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