URL: https://ilcsoft.desy.de/portal/index_eng.html

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ILC Soft

This page serves as an entry point to common software packages developed for the International Linear Collider ILC.

It provides the information resources needed to use the hosted projects for your ILC related study. In particular it has pointers to documentation, source code downloads and issue trackers. You can browse through existing projects on this portal by following the link to "Software Packages".

If you want to create your own ILC related software package on this page please contact us at i l c s o f t - p o r t a l @ d e s y . d e.
Every software package has a Wiki, where users can post relevant documents with documentation, howtos etc. (You also have to register to participate in the Wiki).

For questions and discusions on the various packages please use the

Package documentation
Linear Collider Forum
other resources for the ILC and simulation software

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