URL: https://ilcsoft.desy.de/portal/e574/index_eng.html


Up ILC Soft Binary releases  · 

ILCSoft Binary releases

Here you can find versioned tarballs containing pre-compiled binaries and libraries from ilc software releases for the officially supported scientific linux platform.


# Download the latest ilcsoft binary release tarball for your platform, e.g.:
wget "http://ilcsoft.desy.de/ilcsoft-bin-releases/ilcsoft-v01-11-i386_gcc41_sl5-full.tar.gz"

# untar
tar xzf ilcsoft-v01-11-i386_gcc41_sl5-full.tar.gz

# use provided init script with version as argument, e.g.
source ./ilcsoft/i386_gcc41_sl5/init_ilcsoft.sh v01-11

ILCSoft binary release tarballs

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