This is the complete list of members for gear::TPCModule, including all inherited members.
CARTESIAN (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
CHEVRON (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
clone() const =0 | gear::PadRowLayout2D | pure virtual |
DIAMOND (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
FIXEDPADANGLEDISKLAYOUT (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
FIXEDPADSIZEDISKLAYOUT (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
getAngle() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getBorderWidth() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getCoordinateType() const =0 | gear::PadRowLayout2D | pure virtual |
getDistanceToModule(double c0, double c1) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getDistanceToPad(double c0, double c1, int index) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getDoubleKeys() const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getDoubleVal(const std::string &key) const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getDoubleVals(const std::string &key) const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getDoubleVecKeys() const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getIntKeys() const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getIntVal(const std::string &key) const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getIntVals(const std::string &key) const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getIntVecKeys() const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getLeftNeighbour(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getLocalModuleExtent() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getLocalPadLayout() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getModuleExtent() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getModuleID() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getNearestPad(double c0, double c1) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getNPads() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getNRows() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getOffset() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadCenter(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadHeight(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadIndex(int rowNum, int padNum) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadLayoutImplType() const =0 | gear::PadRowLayout2D | pure virtual |
getPadLayoutType() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadNumber(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadPitch(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::PadRowLayout2D | pure virtual |
getPadShape() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadsInRow(int rowNumber) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPadWidth(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getPlaneExtent() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getReadoutFrequency() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getRightNeighbour(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getRowHeight(int rowNumber) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getRowNumber(int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getStringKeys() const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getStringVal(const std::string &key) const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getStringVals(const std::string &key) const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getStringVecKeys() const =0 | gear::GearParameters | pure virtual |
getTPCCoordinateType() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
getZPosition() const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
globalToLocal(double c0, double c1) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
HEXAGON (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
isInsideModule(double c0, double c1) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
isInsidePad(double c0, double c1, int padIndex) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
isInsidePad(double c0, double c1) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
isOverlapping(TPCModule *testThisModule) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
localToGlobal(double c0, double c1) const =0 | gear::TPCModule | pure virtual |
POLAR (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
RECTANGLE (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
RECTANGULARPADROWLAYOUT (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
TPCMODULE (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
VERSATILEDISKROWLAYOUT (defined in gear::PadRowLayout2D) | gear::PadRowLayout2D | static |
~GearParameters() | gear::GearParameters | inlinevirtual |
~PadRowLayout2D() | gear::PadRowLayout2D | inlinevirtual |
~TPCModule() | gear::TPCModule | inlinevirtual |