2 #include "TGeoMaterialProperties.h"
5 #include "geartgeo/TGeoGeometryInitializer.h"
6 #include "geartgeo/TGeoGearPointProperties.h"
7 #include "geartgeo/TGeoGearDistanceProperties.h"
23 std::string gdmlFileName = _cfg[
"GDMLFileName" ] ;
50 GearMaterialPropertiesFactory::me() = this ;
void initialize()
Initialize a concrete implemetaiton of the detailed material properties - after the configuration...
Abstract interface for a class that returns the (material) properties along a given distance between ...
TGeo Implementation of the abstract interface that returns the (material) properties along a given di...
C'tor - will register with GearMaterialPropertiesFactory as the one instance.
Implementation of Factory 'singleton' class.
virtual GearDistanceProperties * getGearDistanceProperties() const
Get an instance of the GearDistanceProperties - 0 if not initialized.
TGeoMaterialProperties * create() const
Create a new object of the TGeoMaterialProperties.
virtual GearPointProperties * getGearPointProperties() const
Get an instance of the GearPointProperties - 0 if not initialized.
Concrete implemetation for TGeo.
TGeo implementation of the abstract interface that returns the (material) properties of a given point...
Abstract interface for a class that returns the (material) properties of a given point in in world co...
TGeo Geometry Initializer class.