EVENT | Typedefs for std::vectors of basic types used in LCIO - only needed for older versions of LCIO (pre 1.2) |
marlin | The main namespace in Marlin |
AIDAProcessor | Provides access to AIDA histograms, ntuples, etc |
CCCollection | Handles information about LCIO collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck |
CCProcessor | Handles information about marlin processors and their collections needed by MarlinSteerCheck |
CMProcessor | This singleton class contains an instance of every available marlin processor type |
ConditionsProcessor | Processor that provides access to conditions data in a Marlin application |
DataSourceProcessor | Base class for data source handlers that can read arbitrary non-LCIO input files and create LCIO events and run headers from that |
ErrorOfSigma | Small helper class that computes the lower and upper error of sigma assuming a normal distribution, i.e |
EventModifier | Tagging interface for processors that modify the LCIO event |
EventSelector | |
ParseException | ParseException used for parse errors, e.g |
SkipEventException | SkipEventException used to skip the current event in Processor::processEvent |
StopProcessingException | StopProcessingException used to stop the current proccessing of events and call Processor::end() |
RewindDataFilesException | RewindDataFilesException used to stop the current proccessing of events, rewind to the first event and restart the processing |
Global | Simple global class for Marlin |
IFourVectorSmearer | Interface for smearing of four vectors - based on CLHEP::HepLorentzVector |
IParser | Interface for a parser of a steering file to be used with marlin |
IRecoParticleFactory | Interface for a factory class that creates a ReconstructedParticle from an MCParticle |
LCIOOutputProcessor | Default output processor |
Expression | Helper struct for LogicalExpression |
Tokenizer | Helper class for LogicalExpressions that splits the expression into subexpressions - needs to be apllied iteratively |
LogicalExpressions | Helper class that holds named boolean values and named conditions that are expressions of these values and computes the corresponding truth values |
MarlinSteerCheck | This class is a Marlin Steering File consistency check Tool |
Parser | Simple parser class for Marlin |
LCTokenizer | Helper class for Parser |
Processor | Base class for Marlin processors |
ProcessorEventSeeder | Processor event seeder - provides independent pseudo-randomly generated seeds for registered processors on an event by event basis |
ProcessorLoader | Processor loader - loads shared libraries with marlin processors |
ProcessorMgr | Processor manager singleton class |
ProcessorParameter | Class that holds a steering variable for a marlin processor - automatically created by Processor::registerProcessorParameter() |
ProcessorParameter_t | Templated implementation of ProcessorParameter - automatically created by Processor::registerProcessorParameter() |
ClusterResolution | Small helper class to store calorimeter resolutions for a polar angle range |
SimpleClusterSmearer | Smears the four vectors of (neutral) clusters according to dE/E = A "+" B / sqrt( E/GeV ) for a given range of the polar angle |
SimpleFastMCProcessor | A simple smearing "Monte Carlo" processor |
SimpleParticleFactory | Implementation of IRecoParticleFactory that implements the default behaviour as described in SimpleFastMCProcessor, i.e |
TrackResolution | Small helper class to store tracker resolutions for a polar angle range |
SimpleTrackSmearer | Smears the four vectors of charged tracks according to dP/P = r for a given range of the polar angle |
StdHepReader | Reads binary StdHep files |
StringParameters | Simple parameters class for Marlin |
TestProcessor | Simple processor for testing |
XMLFixCollTypes | Internal helper class that creates a new xml steering file with the parameter attributes lcioInType and lcioOutType for the processors as defined by the Processor subclasses |
XMLParser | XML parser for Marlin steering files |
LCTokenizer | Helper class for XMLParser |
Cmp | |
ProcMgrStopProcessing | |
streamlog | A general logging library that is used in Marlin |
ACDialog | |
APDialog | |
AProcDelegate | @ class Small delegate class for changing active processor's names |
Dialog | |
ECDialog | |
FlowLayout | |
GParamDelegate | |
GUIHelp | |
IColDelegate | |
IColTDelegate | |
IProcDelegate | @ class Small delegate class for changing inactive processor's names |
MainWindow | |
MemoryMonitor | MemoryMonitor is a memory monitoring application for Marlin |
NParamVecSet | |
NParamVecSetD | |
OColDelegate | |
ParamDelegate | |
Statusmonitor | Simple processor for writing out a status message every n-th event |
TiXmlAttribute | An attribute is a name-value pair |
TiXmlAttributeSet | |
TiXmlBase | TiXmlBase is a base class for every class in TinyXml |
TiXmlComment | An XML comment |
TiXmlCursor | |
TiXmlDeclaration | In correct XML the declaration is the first entry in the file |
TiXmlDocument | Always the top level node |
TiXmlElement | The element is a container class |
TiXmlHandle | A TiXmlHandle is a class that wraps a node pointer with null checks; this is an incredibly useful thing |
TiXmlNode | The parent class for everything in the Document Object Model |
TiXmlOutStream | |
TiXmlParsingData | |
TiXmlPrinter | Print to memory functionality |
TiXmlString | |
TiXmlText | XML text |
TiXmlUnknown | Any tag that tinyXml doesn't recognize is saved as an unknown |
TiXmlVisitor | If you call the Accept() method, it requires being passed a TiXmlVisitor class to handle callbacks |