EVENT::LCEvent Member List

This is the complete list of members for EVENT::LCEvent, including all inherited members.
addCollection(LCCollection *col, const std::string &name)=0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getCollection(const std::string &name) const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getCollectionNames() const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getDetectorName() const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getEventNumber() const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getParameters() const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getRunNumber() const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getTimeStamp() const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
getWeight() const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
parameters()=0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
removeCollection(const std::string &name)=0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
takeCollection(const std::string &name) const =0EVENT::LCEvent [pure virtual]
~LCEvent()EVENT::LCEvent [inline, virtual]
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