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LCCD Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CalibrationConstantExample for a simple calibration class based on the LCFixedObject template
lccd::ConditionsHandlerBaseBase implementation of IConditionsHandler
lccd::ConditionsMap< KEY, LCCONDOBJECT >Template class for maps of conditions data
lccd::DataFileHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that handles conditions data that is stored in a data LCIO file
lccd::DBCondHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that reads the conditions data from the database
lccd::DBFileHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that reads the conditions data from a special LCIO file
lccd::DBInterfaceProvides a simple interface to the conditions data base for lccd
lccd::IConditionsChangeListenerSimple interface that allows notification of implementation classes if a conditions data set has changed
lccd::IConditionsHandlerAbstract handler for conditions data
lccd::LCConditionsMgrManager for IConditionsHandler objects.
Can be used to keep all conditions handler objects in an aplication in one place and treat them through a common interface, e.g
lccd::LCGenericObjectStreamerBase class for LCCollection streamer classes
lccd::SimpleFileHandlerImplementation of ConditionsHandlerBase that reads the conditions data from an LCIO file
lccd::StreamerMgrManager for streamer classes of LCCollections.
TestListenerTest class that simply dumps the conditions data collection whenever it changed
lccd::VCollectionStreamerBase class for LCCollection streamer classes
lccd::XdrUtility functions for DB streamer objects

Generated on Fri Sep 9 12:30:31 2005 for LCCD by doxygen 1.3.5