Four-fermion channels

Processes ar ZZ-like (eg. four up-type quarks), WW-like (eg. more than two flavours), or mixed ZZ/WW-like (eg. uudd). Channles that are ZZ-like but could be WW via off-diagonal elements in the CKM matrix (eg. uuss) are nevertheless in the ZZ class. In addition, the processes that have the same electron-lepton flavour as the initial state are singled out as sigle W or single Z (or mixes). For single Z, one also seperates between e+e- and nu_e nu_e final states. Of course, these chanels also contain WW and ZZ diagrams, with one of the X:s going to ee (or W going to enu) in the opposite beam-polarisation configurations. However, the single-boson contribution is typically larger. Also note that the sigleZee channel contains the multi-periferal gamma gamma diagrams. However, there are default generator-level cuts in Whizard that suppress their contribution. Instead, the deicated gamma gamma samples should be used. This information has been re-organised in the same way as the the 1 TeV and 500 GeV samples. The original information from KEK is here.

Index of ./350/4f_production

Parent directory
       4096 Nov 13  1:53   singleW/
       4096 Nov 13  1:53   singleZee/
       4096 Nov 13  1:53   singleZnunu/
       4096 Nov 13  1:53   singleZsingleWMix/
       4096 Nov 13  1:54   WW/
       4096 Nov 13  1:54   ZZ/
       4096 Nov 13  1:54   ZZWWMix/
        167 Nov 13  1:54   4f_stat.txt
       3308 Nov 13  1:54   cross_list.txt
       2196 Nov 13  1:54   id-number-list.txt
      17716 Oct  9 14:49   whizard.mdl
       6573 Oct  9 14:49   whizard.prc

7 directories, 6 files

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